


1.  Bruhat Vaidyam

2.  Charaka Samhitha

3.  Ayurveda & Marma Therapy

4.  Aharam- Arogyam

5.  Arogya Madhavamu

6.  Arogya Sastramu

7.  Ayurveda Jeevana Vedam

8.  Ayurveda

9.  Ayurvedam lo Oil pulling Andarki Arogyam

10.  Ayurvedamu (Mohan Publications)

11.  Charaka Samhita Kalpastanam

12.  Charaka Samhita Soothrasthanam

13.  Chikitsaaratnamu

14.  Prakruthi Vaidyam

15.  Samvahana Chikitsa

16.  Sarvamoolika

17.  Sata Bhasma Yogamulu

18.  Surya Kirana Chikitsa

19.  Vedalu lo Surya Kirana Chikitsa

20 .  Vrana Chikitsalu


Medical Books Collection

1.  Churchill Livingstone - 2001 - Grainger & 
    Allison's Diagnostic Radiology. 
     A Textbook of Medical I

2.  Classifications and Scores of the Shoulder - Habermeyer

3.  Clinical Examination of Musculoskeletal
      System - Assessing Rheumatic Conditions

4.  Clinical Interviewing

5.  Clinical Orthopaedic Examination, Fifth Edition (2004)

6.  Clinical Tests for the Musculoskeletal System

7.  Clinical Anatomy (11ed) Oct.2006

8.  Clinical Knowledge Management Opportunities 
     and Challenges
  9.  Clinical evidence vol 10

10.  Clinical evidence vol 9

11.  Clinical laboratory medicine - clinical applications

12.  Clinician's Pocket Reference

13.  Color Atlas of Pharmacology

14.  Color Atlas of Physiology

15.  Common Symptom Answer Guide

16.  Complementary Therapies in Neurology

17.  Comprehensive Management of Chronic 
       Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (2002)
  18.  Core Topics in Pain

19.  Cranial Nerves Functional Anatomy (2005)

20.  Current Diagnosis & Treatment in Orthopedics 3rd ed

21.  Current Medical Diagnosis & Treatment, 2005 full pic

22.  DeLee and Drez's - Orthopaedic Sports Medicine. 
       Editor DeLee (2nd Ed. 2003)

23.  Differential Diagnosis in Neurology and Neurosurgery

24.  Drawing the Line. Art Therapy with the Difficult Client

25.  Dynamics of Human Gait

26.  Electrodiagnosis in Diseases of Nerve and 
       Muscle - Principles and Practice.chm

27.  Elsevier's Medical Terminology for the Practicing 
       Nurse (1998)

28.  Encyclopedia of Infectious Diseases

29.  Essentials of Complementary and Alternative Medicine

30.  Essentials of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation

31.  Evaluation of the Low Back Pain Practice Guideline 
       Implementation in the Army
  32.  Evidence Based Practice in Primary Care 

33.  Evidence-Based Imaging - Optimizing 
       Imaging in Patient Care

34.  Evidence-based Medicine Workbook

35.  Evidence base of clinical diagnosis

36.  Exercise Leadership in Cardiac Rehabilitation - 
      An Evidence based Approach

37.  Ferri's Clinical Advisor 2004 - Instant Diagnosis
       and Treatment. 6th edition

38.  Foundations of Sport-Related Brain Injuries

39.  Fractures Classification in Clinical Practice 2006 

40.  Fractures in children 5ed

41.  Functional Neuroanatomy of Pain

42.  General Practice, 3Ed (J. Murtagh)

43.  Geriatric Medicine An Evidence-based Approach

44.  Hand Bone Age

45.  Handbook of couples therapy

46.  Harrison's Principles of Internal Medicine 16Ed

47.  Healing or Stealing. Medical Charlatans 
       in the New Age

48.  Healing Back Pain the Mind

49.  How to Present at Meetings 2001

50.  How to Read a Paper

51.  Human Biology

52.  Human Body Dynamics - classical mechanics 
       and human movement   - A.Tozeren
  53.  Image-guided spine interventions

54.  Information Technologies in Medicine - Vol I

55.  Instant Pain Control - Using the Body's 
        Trigger Points.

56.  Interpretation of Diagnostic Tests 7ed

57.  Interviewing And Diagnostic Exercises For Clinical 
       And Counseling Skills Building

58.  Kelley's Textbook of Rheumatology 6Ed 2-Vol Set

59.  Lab Notes Guide to Lab and Diagnostic Tests (2005)

60.  Learning Medicine An Informal Guide to a 
       Career in Medicine

61.  List of Medical Diagnostic Tests 

62. Living well with Parkinson’s

63. Lovell and winter's pediatric orthopaedics 3ed

64. Managing the symptoms of multiple sclerosis

65. Managing Your Multiple Sclerosis

66. Manual of Clinical Problems In Pediatrics 5Ed (2000)

67. Manual of Family Practice 2ed

68. Manual of Rheumatology and Outpatient 
       Orthopedic Disorders Diagnosis and Therapy 4ed

69. Marketing Health Services

70. Massage For Dummies

71. MCQ Companion to Applied Radiological 

72. Means Ends and Medical Care

73. Medical and Psychosocial Aspects of 
       Chronic Illness and Disability, 3Ed(2005)

74. Medical Malpractice - A Physician's Sourcebook

75. Medical Physiol 2Ed

76. Merritt - Merritt's Neurology 10Ed

77. Miller's Review of Orthopedics





1.  Just For Today

2.  GLS 2005

3.  IT WORKS - How and Why

4.  NA Basic Text 5Ed

5.  Step Working Guide



1.  A Clinical Guide to Applied Dental Materials, 1e (2013)

2.  Advanced speeds in operative dentistry - U.S. Naval 
      Dental School

3.  Basic Guide to Dental Procedures- Hollins (Wiley)

4.  Basic Guide to Medical Emergencies in the Dental Practice, 2e

5.  BMC Oral Health - Fausto Mendes, Mike V Morgan, Peter 
      Robinson, Anton Sculean and Hidenobu Senpuku

6.  Brazilian Dental Journal - Dental Foundation of Ribeirao Preto

7.  Brazilian Journal of Oral Sciences - Brazilian Oral Research 

8.  Clinical Textbook of Dental Hygiene and Therapy, 2e

9.  Color Atlas of Dental Implant Surgery, 4E (2014)

10.  Dental Anatomy And Occlusion - University of Washington

11.  Dental and Oral Disorders - Merckmanual

12.  Dental Biomaterials - Enoch Ng

13.  Dental Implant Prosthetics, 2E (2015)

14.  Dental Implants - The Art and Science, 2E (2010)

15.  Dental Instruments A Pocket Guide to Identification

16.  Dental Materials at a Glance

17.  Dental Radiography - Principles and Techniques, 4E (2012

18.  Dental Secrets, 4E (2015)

19.  Dental Technicians volume 1 - Integrated Publishing

20.  Dental Technicians volume 2 - Integrated Publishing

21.  Diet, nutrition and the prevention of dental diseases 
       - Paula Moynihan and Poul Erik Petersen

22.  Fundamentals of Dental Assisting - pte.idaho.gov

23.  General and Oral Pathology for Dental Hygiene 
       Practice, 1E (2014)

24.  Genetic aspects of dental disorders - Grant C. Townsend, 
        Michael J. Aldred and P. Mark 

25.  Implant Dentistry The Most Promising Discipline of 
        Dentistry - Ilser Turkyilmaz

26.  Intra oral Examination Normal Anatomy 
        - Richard P Madden

27.  Mastering digital dental photography 
        - Mustafa Ulgen

28.  Notes on Mouth and Teeth - U.S. National Library
        of Medicine

29.  Nothing but the Tooth A Dental Odyssey

30.  Oral and dental diseases Causes, prevention and 
        treatment strategies - Naseem Shah

31.  Oral Pathology Image Database - Michael Finkelstein, 
        George T. Gallagher and Sadru P. 

32.  Oral Pathology Physical Examination - Tufts OCW

33.  Textbook of Surgery for Dental Students (2010)

34.  Viva in Oral Surgery for Dental Students, 1E (2012)

35.  Advances in Dental Research

36.  Dental Bytes

37.  Dentistry On Line

38.  Dentistry Today

39.  International Poster Journal IPJ

40.  Journal of Dental Education

41.  Journal of Indian Society of Pedodontics and 
        Preventive Dentistry

42.  Journal of the Canadian Dental Association

43.  Oral Pathology Crawoford 

44.  The New York State Dental Journal





1.  Complete Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Mind-Reading - A. Alpheus

2.  Didier, Adolphe - Curative Mesmerism; or, an 
      Animal Magnetism and      Its Healing Power [1877]

3.  Easy Guide to Mesmerism and Hypnotism

4.  Exposition or a New Theory of Animal Magnetism 
      with a key to Mysteries

5.  Facts in Mesmerism - Chauncy Hare Townshend - 1840

6.  Facts in mesmerism and thoughts on its cases and Uses

7.  Illustrations of modern Mesmerism from personal investigation 
     - Sir John Forbes - 1845

8.  Leslie G. Devenport - Mesmerism Unveiled

9.  Letters on Mesmerism

10.  Mesmerism and its opponents - George Sandby -1848

11.  Mesmerism in its relation to health and Disease

12.  Mesmerism or The New School of Arts

13.  Natural and mesmeric clairvoyance with practical 
       application of mesmerism in surgery and medicine.

14.  Notes and studies in the philosophy of animal magnetism 
        and spiritualism

15.  Numerous cases of surgical operations without pain in 
       the Mesmeric state - John Elliotson

16.  On Mesmerism Experience and Cures

17.  Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism - 1850

18.  Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism - Deleuze

19.  Record of cases treated from June to Dec

20.  Somnolism and psycheism otherwise vital  
       magnetism or mesmerism

21.  The Hand-book of Mesmerism - Thomas Buckland -1851

22.  The mesmeric guide, for family use - S D. Saunders  - 1852

23.  The Introduction of mesmerism 

24.  The Mighty Curative Powers of Mesmerism

25.  The Phrenological Journal and Magazine of Moral Science

26.  The Zoist - 1846-47

27.  The Zoist - 1846

28.  The Zoist - 1847-48

29.  The Zoist -  1848-49

30.  The Zoist -  1849-50

31.  The Zoist -  1850-51

32.  The Zoist - 1851-52

33.  The Zoist -   1852-53

34.  The Zoist - 1853-54

35.  The Zoist -  1854-55

36.  William Gregory M. D. - Animal Magnetism or 
        Mesmerism and its Phenomena





1.  Betty Crocker Diabetes Cookbook Great - Tasting, Easy 
      Recipes for Every Day

2.  Diabetes - One Week Diabetes Meal Plan To Help You 
      Improve Your Blood Glucose, Blood 
Pressure, and 

      Cholesterol Numbers

3.  Diabetes Cookbook for Dummies

4.  Diabetes Cookbook for Dummies (2015)

5.  Diabetes Cookbook for Dummies 2nd

6.  Diabetes Cooking for Everyone - Carol Gelles

7.  Diabetes Cooking for Everyone- 250 All Natural, Low 
     Glycemic Recipes to Nourish and 

8.  Diabetes Diet - J J Lewis

9.  Diabetes Diet 101 Healthy Diabetes Recipes to Reverse 
      Diabetes forever and Enjoy Healthy 
Living for Life

10.  Diabetes One Week Diabetes Meal Plan to Help You 
       Improve Your Blood Glucose, Blood 
Pressure and 

       Cholesterol Numbers and Help Keep Your Weight 

        on Track - Ultimate

11.  Diabetic Living Diabetes Meals by The Plate 90 Lowcarb
        Meals To Mix Match

12.  Diabetic Recipe Sampler

13.  Diabetic Recipes

14.  Evidence based nutrition guidelines for the prevention and
        management of diabetes - 

15.  Food for Life - Living Well With Diabetes

16.  Healing Diabetes with Fruit - Tasha Lee

17.  The Diabetes Holiday Cookbook Year-Round Cooking for 
        People With Diabetes

18.  The Gargantuan Book of Diabetic Recipes


19.  Diabetes and You - A Comprehensive, Holistic Approach

20.  Diabetes- Clinician's Desk Reference

21.  Diabetes Management in Clinical Practice

22.  Diabetes Self-Management - April 2015

23.  Humana Press Diabetes and Exercise Apr 2009

24.  Informa Healthcare Clinical Management of Hypertension in 
       Diabetes Pocketbook Dec 2001

25.  Managing Cardiovascular Complications In Diabetes

26.  Managing Diabetes

27.  Medical Management of Pregnancy Complicated By Diabetes, 5e


28.  Advanced Imaging of the Diabetic Foot and Its Complications 
        - Thomas J. Leach and 
Amilcare Gentili

29.  Diabetes in Skin Disease Internet Dermatology Society 
        - Art Huntley and Rhett Drugge

30.  Diabetic Retinopathy - National Eye Institute

31.  Endocrinology and Diabetes, Clinical Cases Uncovered

32.  Essential Endocrinology and Diabetes, 6e

33.  Hypoglycaemia in Clinical Diabetes (2014)

34.  Hypoglycemia in Diabetes, 2e

35.  Modulation of Sleep by Obesity, Diabetes, Age, 
        and Diet (2015)

36.  Practical Endocrinology and Diabetes in Children, 3e (2011) 


37.  Diabetes Dictionary

38.  Diabetes Dictionary Children with Diabetes 
        - Children With Diabetes

39.  Diabetes Dictionary National Diabetes Information 
        Clearing house - National Institute of 
Diabetes and 

        Digestive and Kidney Diseases, National Institutes of Health

40.  Diabetes Tutorial University of Utah - The University of Utah

41.  Diccionario de la Diabetes National Diabetes Information 
        Clearing house [Espaol]

42.  Dress Like A Man, Anti-Procrastination Habits, Handbook
        of Diabetes, The Survival 
Medicine Handbook, The 7 Step 

        Diabetes Fitness Plan, Creating Oils, Soaps, Creams

43.  For Dummies Diabetes for Dummies Aug 2008

44.  Glossary of Terms Diabetes Gourmet Magazine 
        - DiabeticGourmet.com

45.  Informa Healthcare Type 2 Diabetes Pocketbook Aug 2001

46.  Oxford American Handbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes

47.  Oxford Handbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes 3rd Ed


48.  American Diabetes Association Clinical Practice 

49.  Australian Diabetes Educators Association

50.  Australian Diabetes Society Position Statements

51.  CDC National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention 
        and Health Promotion Diabetes Public 
Health Resource 

         - Centers for Disease Control and Prevention

52.  Children With Diabetes On Line Community - Diabetes 
        Health - Health Canada

53.  Deutsche Diabetes Gesellschaft Leitlinien [Deutsch]

54.  Diabetes A Manitoba Strategy Manitoba Health 
        - Manitoba Strategy

55.  Diabetes in America, 2nd Edition National Diabetes 
        Information Clearinghouse - Maureen I. 

56.  Diabetes Research and Wellness Foundation

57.  Dr. Bernstein's Diabetes Solution A Complete Guide 
        to Achieving Normal Blood Sugars

58.  FDA Diabetes Information

59.  Genetic Landscape of Diabetes - Laura Dean MD and 
        Jo McEntyre PhD

60.  Laboratory Diagnosis and Monitoring of Diabetes 
        Mellitus WHO - World Health 

61.  National Diabetes Education Initiative Clinical 
       Commandments for Management of Patients 

        With Type 2 Diabetes

62.  National Diabetes Information Clearing house - National 
       Institute of Diabetes and Digestive 
and Kidney Diseases

63.  Public Health Agency of Canada Diabetes - Public Health 
       Agency of Canada

64.  The Truth about Diabetes

65.  There is A Cure for Diabetes the Tree of Life 
        21-Day + Program

66.  Type 1 Diabetes Complications, Pathogenesis 
        and Alternative Treatments - Chih Pin

67.  What To Expect When You Have Diabetes By ADA

68.  WHO The Diabetes Programme - World Health Organization



1.  Popular lectures on homeopathy delivered in Hahnemann Medical 
     College of Chicago - Hahnemann Medical College and 
     Hospital of Chicago

2.  Manual of veterinary specific homeopathy - Frederick Humphreys

3.  Homeopathy beyond flat earth medicine - Dr. Timothy R Dooley

4.  Paper on Homeopathy

5.  Homeopathy notes collection

6.  Advanced Homeopathy Protocol Its Introduction and 
      Specific Disease Efficacy

7.  Homeopathy for Plants

8.  Introductory Workbook in Homeopathy

9.   Safety issues in the preparation of homeopathic medicines

10.  Homeopathic Medicines An Introduction to Pharmacists

11.  Evidence for Homeopathic Medicines

12.  The Homeopathic Treatment of Cancer

13.  Homeopathy and its Kindred Delusions

14.  Homeopathy For Plants

15.  Hormesis and homeopathy

16.  A Manual for Homeopaths in the Treatment of 
       Patients with HIV/AIDS


CANCER Books Collection

1.  Cancer Immunology A Translational Medicine Context

2.  Advances in Cancer Survivorship Management (2015)

3.  Bone cancer _ primary bone cancers and bone metastases (2015)

4.  Cancer and Aging Handbook_ Research and Practice (2012)

5.  Cancer Care (Nursing and Health Survival Guides), 1E (2014)

6.  DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer Principles & Practice 
      of Oncology, 10E (2015)

7.  Early Gastrointestinal Cancer II Rectal Cancer

8.  Epigenetics and Cancer (2013)

9.  Exercise, Energy, Balance and Cancer

10.  Hepatocellular Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment (2005)

11.  Materia medica for varios cancer (vol.2) (2012)

12.  Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy and Prognosis 
        - General Methods and Overviews, Lung Carcinoma 
           and Prostate Carcinoma, 1E (2008)

13.  MRI of Rectal Cancer Clinical Atlas

14.  Pediatric Cancer v2 Teratoid Rhabdoid

15.  Physicians Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2014

16.  Principles of Stem Cell Biology and Cancer, Future 
       Applications and Therapeutics [2015]

17.  Prostate Cancer_A Patient's Guide (2015)

18.  The Breast Cancer Survivor's Fitness Plan

19.  Thyroid Cancer (2012)

20.  Treatment of Cancer, 6E (2015)

21.  What Doctors Dont Tell You - Cancer

22.  Yuvraj Singh - The Test of my Life From Cricket to Cancer

23.  ABC of Prostate Cancer - Dasgupta, Prokar, Kirby, Roger

24.  Breast Cancer, Visual Guide for Clinicians - Barber, M. D.

25.  Cancer - The Role of Genes, Lifestyle, and Environment

26.  Cancer Vaccines - Methods and Protocols

27.  Colorectal Cancer, Diagnosis and Clinical Management 
        - Scholefield, John, Eng, Cathy

28.  Handbook of Gastrointestinal Cancer - Hawk, Ernest, 
        Jankowski, Janusz

29.  How To Kill Cancer Cells By Natalie Mitchell

30.  Kicking Cancer In The Kitchen

31.  Molecular Biology of Cancer Mechanisms, 3E- Lauren Pecorino

32.  Never Fear Cancer Again - Raymond Francis

33.  P53 - The Gene That Cracked The Cancer Code - Sue Armstrong

34.  Prostate Cancer A Patient's Guide

35.  Prostate Cancer Prevention - Cuzick, Jack, Thorat, Mangesh

36.  Interaction Of Immune And Cancer Cells 2014

37.  The Everything Cancer-Fighting Cookbook

38.  The Whole-Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors

39.  Kids' First Cookbook by The American Cancer Society

40.  Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3E (2011)



1.  Alcoholics Anonymous [1965] - Twelve Steps and Twelve 

2.  Alcoholics Anonymous [1972] - Alcoholics Anonymous 
      (The Big Book)

3.  Alcoholics Anonymous [1984] - Came to Believe

4.  Alcoholics Anonymous [1990] - Daily Reflections-A Book 
      of Reflections by AA Members for AA Members

5.  Augusten Burroughs [2002] - Running With Scissors

6.  Barbara Jean Carlson [2013] - Walking the Walk With 
      God's Kid

7.  Brenda Wilhelmson [2011] - Diary of an Alcoholic Housewife

8.  Dina Kucera [2010] - Everything I Never Wanted to Be

9.  Ernest Kurtz [1988] - Not God - A History of AA

10.  Jerry Dunn [1986] - God Is for the Alcoholic

11.  Moe Berg Memorial [2012] - Offbeat Guide to Recovery

12.  Neil T. Anderson [1996] - Freedom From Addiction_ Breaking 
        the Bondage of Addiction and Finding Freedom in Christ

13.  Phil Sloan [2013] - Cigarettes and Alcohol_ Confessions of 
        a Stag Weekend

14.  Addiction Medicine I - New York State Office of Alcoholism 
       and Substance Abuse Services



1.  Approval Addiction - Joyce Meyer

2.  The Brain Understanding Neurobiology Through the Study of 
      Addiction - U.S. Department of    Health and Human Services

3.  Behavioral Addictions- Criteria, Evidence, and Treatment
      - Kenneth Paul Rosenberg MD

4.  Addiction and Self-Control Perspectives from Philosophy, 
      Psychology, and Neuroscience - Oxford University Press (2013)
     (Oxford Series in Neuroscience, Law, and Philosophy) Neil Levy

5.  Addiction Medicine

6.  Addiction Medicine Closing the Gap between Science and Practice

7.  The New Science of Addiction Genetics and the Brain - University 
      of Utah

8.  Understanding Addiction Basic Science Information - The University 
       of Texas



1.  A Couple's Guide to Sexual Addiction - A Step-by-Step 
      Plan to Rebuild Trust and Restore Intimacy

2.  Addiction to Love - Overcoming Obsession and 
      Dependency in Relationships - Susan Peabody



1.  Beat Sugar Addiction Now - Jacob Teitelbaum

2.  Beyond Sugar Shock - The 6-Week Plan To Break 
     Free Of Your Sugar Addiction & Get Slimmer, 
      Sexier & Sweeter



1.  Your Brain on Porn Internet Pornography and the 
      Emerging Science of Addiction

2.  Power Over Pornography - Brian Branden burg

3.  Ten Keys to Breaking Pornography Addiction

4.  A Couple's Guide to Sexual Addiction - A Step-by-Step 
      Plan to Rebuild Trust and Restore Intimacy

5.  Internet Addiction 2015 - Bitbook



1.  Quit Smoking Forever

2.  Dying to quit Why we smoke and how to stop 

3.  Global Tobacco Control - Frances Stillman, Jonathan Samet 
      and Heather Wipfli

4.  Growing Up - Tobacco Free Preventing - Nicotine Addiction -  in 
     Children & Youths - Barbara S. Lynch & Richard J. Bonnie



1.  Drugs, Addiction, and the Brain - 1E Academic Press

2.  The Making of Addiction The 'Use and Abuse' of Opium in
      Nineteenth-Century Britain - Louise Foxcroft 

3.  Put a halt to your addiction to - Gambling-Drugs-Food 
      & other types

4.  Drugs, Brains, and Behavior : The Science of Addiction

5.  Main Drugs of abuse, Drug related Harm, Reduction, 
      Prevention and Treatment - Antidrug.Health.am

6.  The Disease of Inebriety - From Alcohol, Opium n 

7.  Behavioral Neuroscience of Drug Addiction - Self & Staley

8.  Principles of Drug Addiction Treatment : A Research Based 

9.  An Anatomy of Addiction_ Sigmund Freud, William Halsted, 
      and the Miracle Drug, Cocaine - Howard Markel

10.  A Cognitive Behavioural Approach Treating Cocaine 
        Addiction - Kathleen M. Carroll, Ph.D.



1. Crash Course Cardiology 4e 

2. Crash Course Cardiovascular System 4e

3. Crash Course Endocrinology 4e 

4. Crash Course Evidence Based Medicine Reading and Writing Medical Papers 

5. Crash Course Foundation Doctors Guide to Medicine and Surgery 2e 

6. Crash Course Gastrointestinal System 4e

7. Crash Course General Medicine 4e

8. Crash Course Hematology and Immunology 4e

9. Crash Course Medical Ethics and Sociology 2e

10. Crash Course Metabolism and Nutrition 4e

11. Crash Course Neurology 4e

12. Crash Course Pathology 4e

13. Crash Course Pharmacology 4e

14. Crash Course Psychiatry 4e

15. Crash Course Rheumatology and Orthopedics 2e



1.  Retromania - Simon Reynolds

2.  Sweet Addiction - Jessica Daniels

3.  The ASAM Principles of Addiction Medicine, 5E (2015)

4.  Addiction by Design Machine Gambling in Las Vegas

5.  Rewire _ Change Your Brain to Break - Richard O'connor

6.  Speed - Facing Our Addiction to Fast and Faster and 
      Overcoming Our Fear of Slowing Down - Gooner

7.  The Addiction Casebook- Petros Levounis

8.  Dealing with Addiction

9.  Addiction Basics

10.  Opioids Basics of addiction - UCLA Integrated Substance
       Abuse Programs

11.  An Addiction Recovery Glossary - William L. White

12.  Addiction as a Cultural Concept - Stanton Peele

13.  Addiction online resource - emedicinehealth.com




1. Operative Surgery 2nd Ed

2. Oxford American Handbook of Clinical Medicne  2nd Ed

3. Oxford American Handbook of Disaster Medicine

4. Oxford American Handbook of Endocrinology and Diabetes

5. Oxford American Handbook of Rheumatology

6. Oxford Case Histories in Neurosurgery

7. Oxford Case Histories in Respiratory Medicine

8. Oxford Case Histories in Rheumatology

9. Oxford Case of Histories in Cardiology

10. Oxford Case of Histories in Gastroentrology and Hepatology

11. Oxford Cases in Medicine and Surgery

12. Oxford Desk Reference - Critical Care

13. Oxford Desk Reference - Nephrology

14. Oxford Desk Reference - Respiratory Medicine

15. Oxford Desk Reference - Rheumatology

16. Oxford Handbook of Psychiatry 3rd Ed

17. Oxford Handook of Cardiology 2nd Ed

18. Oxford Handook of Clinical Medicine 9th Ed

19. Oxford Handook of Clinical Specialities 9th Ed

20. Oxford Handook of Clinical Surgery 4th Ed

21. Oxford Handook of Critical Care 3rd Ed

22. Oxford Handook of Emergency Medicine 4th Ed

23. Oxford Handook of Endocrinology and Diabetes 3rd Ed

24. Oxford Handook of Geriatric Medicine 2nd Ed

25. Oxford Handook of Nephrology and Hypertension 2nd Ed

26. Oxford Handook of Neurology

27. Oxford Handook of Occupational Health 2nd Ed

28. Oxford Handook of Palliative Care 2nd Ed

29. Oxford Handook of Pre-Hosptial Care

30. Oxford Handook of Respiratory Medicine 2nd Ed

31. Oxford Handook of Rheumatology 3rd Ed

32. Oxford Handook of Urology 3rd Ed


















Bio Electro Magnetic-based Therapies

 Traditional Chinese Medicine - Acupuncture, Tui Na, Qigong, Dietary Therapy




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The BIBLE* Book of Vedas* Ethics Politics - by Aristrotle* Conversations with God* Complete Book Of Yoga- Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Raja Yoga And Jnana Yoga by swami Vivekananda* My Experiments with Truth - by MohanDas Karamchand Gandhi* Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru* Githaanjali - By Ravindranath Tagore* Hari Prasad Chowrasia - The romance of Bamboo Reed* Wings of Fire - by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam* Autobiography of Unknown Indian* I Dare - by Kiran Bedi* Music of India* The God of Small Things - by Arundathi Roy* Malgudi Days - by R.K.Narayan* White Tiger - by Aravind Adiga* A Night at the call center - by Chetan Bhagath* 3 Mistakes of my Life - by Chetan Bhagath* Chowranghee - by Sankar* Jhumpa Lahiri* Water* Saraswati Park* KAMASUTRA - Science of Art of Making Love - From India* The Great Indian Novel - by Shashi Tharoor*  Magical Indian Myths* A story from a fan about Sachin Tendulkar - Indian Cricket Sports Celebrity* Stay Hungry - Stay Poor* One Indian Girl* A Passage to INDIA The RED BOOK - QUOTATIONS FROM MAO_THE GREAT CHINESE HERO* The Measure of a Man - A Spiritual Autobiography - By Sidney Poitier  I am Okay ~ You are Okay* Who Moved my Cheeze* Speed of thought - Bill Gates* * IWOZ* IBM - WHO SAYS ELEPHANTS CANT DANCE* What they don't teach you at Harvard School* Business Stripped Bare* The FOUNTAIN HEAD* Joan of Arc* Fall of Giants* The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho* The Perfect Mile* The Heart of a Champion by Bob Richard* I know Why Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou* The Empty Family* Mr Chatwell* Hand Me Down World* FOSTER* And the land lay still* And the world changed* LET THE RIGHT ONE IN* The American Brat by Bapsi Sidwa* Cracking india by Bapsi Sidwa* The Pakistani Bride by Bapsi Sidwa* Songs of Blood and Sword by Fathima Bhutto* Bookless in Baghdad by Shashi Tharoor* Ethics Politics - by Aristrotle* Conversations with God* Complete Book Of Yoga- Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Raja Yoga And Jnana Yoga by swami Vivekananda* My Experiments with Truth - by MohanDas Karamchand Gandhi* Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru* Githaanjali - By Ravindranath Tagore* Hari Prasad Chowrasia - The romance of Bamboo Reed* Wings of Fire - by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam* Autobiography of Unknown Indian* I Dare - by Kiran Bedi* Music of India* The God of Small Things - by Arundathi Roy* Malgudi Days - by R.K.Narayan* White Tiger - by Aravind Adiga* The BIBLE* Book of Vedas*
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21 Most Romantic Sentences From The World Of Literature

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ~Ernest Hemingway

For you and me, that’s the hardest part: to bleed.

But for these authors, weaving beautiful words into heart-touching romance comes naturally. Come, fall in love…with words.

Because other than your partner, only a writer can give you a rapidly pumping heart out of love.

Source : Story Pick