1. Basic Urology History Taking and Physical
Examination - Atallah Ahmed Shaaban
2. Pre and Post Op Instructions for Urology
Patients - University of Michigan
3. Handbook of Laparoscopic and Robotic
Fundamentals - Sean Collins, Daniel S. Lehman,
Elspeth M. McDougall, Ralph V. Clayman and
Jaime Landman
4. Controversies in Prostate Cancer
5. Precancerous Lesions of the Prostate
6. Prostate Cancer Biology, Diagnosis, Pathology,
Staging, and Natural History
7. Prostate Cancer Brachytherapy (Radioactive
Seed Implantation Therapy)
8. Prostate Cancer Cryotherapy
9. Prostate Cancer External Beam Radiotherapy
10. Prostate Cancer Management of Localized Disease
11. Prostate Cancer Metastatic and Advanced Disease
12. Prostate Cancer Neoadjuvant Androgen
Deprivation Therapy
13. Prostate Cancer Nutrition
14. Prostate Cancer Radical Perineal Prostatectomy
15. Prostate Cancer Radical Retropubic Prostatectomy
16. Prostate Specific Antigen
17. A Revolutionary Approach to Prostate Cancer
18. eMedicine Urology
19. Genitourinary Disorders
20. Biologic Markers in Urinary Toxicology
- National Academy Press
21. Canadian Urologic Oncology Group Presentations
22. Clinico Pathologic Classification of Glomerular
Diseases Tulane University
23. EdREN Renal Unit, Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh
24. Forum of End Stage Renal Disease Networks
25. Glomerulonephritis and Chronic Renal Failure the
Crucial Role of Chemical Exposure Uffe
26. Kidney patient guide
27. Kidney Stones Midwest Stone Institute
28. National Kidney and Urologic Diseases Information
29. National Kidney Disease Education Program
30. Nephrology eMedicine
31. Nephron Information Center
32. Prostate Cancer Foundation
33. United States Renal Data System
34. Urologie Universit de Rennes [Franais]
35. Urology eMedicine
36. American Urological Association Clinical Guidelines
37. Asociacin Espaola de Pediatria Protocolos de Nefrologa
Urologa [Espaol]
38. European Association of Urology Guidelines
39. Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Urinary tract infections, urinalysis Guidelines, reviews,
position statements, recommendations, standards
40. Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research
Urogynecology, urinary and fecal incontinence Guidelines,
reviews, position statements, recommendations, standards
41. The Scientific Basis of Urology, 3Ed
42. International Continence Society Standardisation reports
43. Bandolier (UK) Benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH)
44. Bandolier (UK) Urinary
45. National Kidney Foundation Clinical Practice Guidelines
46. Nephrohus [Franais]
47. Simon Foundation for Continence
48. U.S. Renal Data System
49. Kidney Diseases Dictionary National Kidney and Urologic
Diseases Information Clearinghouse
50. The 5 Minute Urology Consult, 3Ed (2015)
51. Smith & Tanagho’s General Urology 18 Ed
52. Lecture Notes Urology, 6E
53. ABC of Urology, 3E
52. Lecture Notes Urology, 6E
53. ABC of Urology, 3E