CANCER Books Collection
1. Cancer Immunology A Translational Medicine Context
2. Advances in Cancer Survivorship Management (2015)
3. Bone cancer _ primary bone cancers and bone metastases (2015)
4. Cancer and Aging Handbook_ Research and Practice (2012)
5. Cancer Care (Nursing and Health Survival Guides), 1E (2014)
6. DeVita, Hellman, and Rosenberg's Cancer Principles & Practice
of Oncology, 10E (2015)
7. Early Gastrointestinal Cancer II Rectal Cancer
8. Epigenetics and Cancer (2013)
9. Exercise, Energy, Balance and Cancer
10. Hepatocellular Cancer Diagnosis and Treatment (2005)
11. Materia medica for varios cancer (vol.2) (2012)
12. Methods of Cancer Diagnosis, Therapy and Prognosis
- General Methods and Overviews, Lung Carcinoma
and Prostate Carcinoma, 1E (2008)
13. MRI of Rectal Cancer Clinical Atlas
14. Pediatric Cancer v2 Teratoid Rhabdoid
15. Physicians Cancer Chemotherapy Drug Manual 2014
16. Principles of Stem Cell Biology and Cancer, Future
Applications and Therapeutics [2015]
17. Prostate Cancer_A Patient's Guide (2015)
18. The Breast Cancer Survivor's Fitness Plan
19. Thyroid Cancer (2012)
20. Treatment of Cancer, 6E (2015)
21. What Doctors Dont Tell You - Cancer
22. Yuvraj Singh - The Test of my Life From Cricket to Cancer
23. ABC of Prostate Cancer - Dasgupta, Prokar, Kirby, Roger
24. Breast Cancer, Visual Guide for Clinicians - Barber, M. D.
25. Cancer - The Role of Genes, Lifestyle, and Environment
26. Cancer Vaccines - Methods and Protocols
27. Colorectal Cancer, Diagnosis and Clinical Management
- Scholefield, John, Eng, Cathy
28. Handbook of Gastrointestinal Cancer - Hawk, Ernest,
Jankowski, Janusz
29. How To Kill Cancer Cells By Natalie Mitchell
30. Kicking Cancer In The Kitchen
31. Molecular Biology of Cancer Mechanisms, 3E- Lauren Pecorino
32. Never Fear Cancer Again - Raymond Francis
33. P53 - The Gene That Cracked The Cancer Code - Sue Armstrong
34. Prostate Cancer A Patient's Guide
35. Prostate Cancer Prevention - Cuzick, Jack, Thorat, Mangesh
36. Interaction Of Immune And Cancer Cells 2014
37. The Everything Cancer-Fighting Cookbook
38. The Whole-Food Guide for Breast Cancer Survivors
39. Kids' First Cookbook by The American Cancer Society
40. Encyclopedia of Cancer, 3E (2011)