=================================================1. Complete Hypnotism, Mesmerism, Mind-Reading - A. Alpheus
2. Didier, Adolphe - Curative Mesmerism; or, an
Animal Magnetism and Its Healing Power [1877]
3. Easy Guide to Mesmerism and Hypnotism
4. Exposition or a New Theory of Animal Magnetism
with a key to Mysteries
5. Facts in Mesmerism - Chauncy Hare Townshend - 1840
6. Facts in mesmerism and thoughts on its cases and Uses
7. Illustrations of modern Mesmerism from personal investigation
- Sir John Forbes - 1845
8. Leslie G. Devenport - Mesmerism Unveiled
9. Letters on Mesmerism
10. Mesmerism and its opponents - George Sandby -1848
11. Mesmerism in its relation to health and Disease
12. Mesmerism or The New School of Arts
13. Natural and mesmeric clairvoyance with practical
application of mesmerism in surgery and medicine.
14. Notes and studies in the philosophy of animal magnetism
and spiritualism
15. Numerous cases of surgical operations without pain in
the Mesmeric state - John Elliotson
16. On Mesmerism Experience and Cures
17. Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism - 1850
18. Practical Instruction in Animal Magnetism - Deleuze
19. Record of cases treated from June to Dec
20. Somnolism and psycheism otherwise vital
magnetism or mesmerism
21. The Hand-book of Mesmerism - Thomas Buckland -1851
22. The mesmeric guide, for family use - S D. Saunders - 1852
23. The Introduction of mesmerism
24. The Mighty Curative Powers of Mesmerism
25. The Phrenological Journal and Magazine of Moral Science
26. The Zoist - 1846-47
27. The Zoist - 1846
28. The Zoist - 1847-48
29. The Zoist - 1848-49
30. The Zoist - 1849-50
31. The Zoist - 1850-51
32. The Zoist - 1851-52
33. The Zoist - 1852-53
34. The Zoist - 1853-54
35. The Zoist - 1854-55
36. William Gregory M. D. - Animal Magnetism or
Mesmerism and its Phenomena