


1.  Basic Newborn Care and Resuscitation Program 
      Training Manual - Ministry of Health and Family 
      Welfare, Government of India

2.  Infant and Newborn Care - U.S. National Library 
      of Medicine

3.  Integrated maternal and newborn care Basic skills
      course - Indira Narayanan and Susheela Engelbrecht

4.  Neonatal jaundice - National Collaborating Centre for 
      Women’s and Children’s Health

5.  A Quality Improvement Project for Neonatal 
      Abstinence Syndrome

6.  Alphabetical listing of neonatal systematic reviews

7.  Basic Principles and Guidelines for Conventional 
      Ventilation newborn

8.  Family Support and Family Centered Care in the NICU

9.  High Frequency Oscillation

10.  Human Breast Milk Current Concepts of Immunology
        and Infectious Diseases

11.  International Fetal and Newborn Growth Standards

12.  Invasive and Noninvasive Neonatal Mechanical 

13.  Medical futility in Dutch neonatology

14.  Neonatal and Perinatal Mortality

15.  Neonatal Handbook

16.  Neonatal resuscitation in low resource settings

17.  Neuroneonatology

18.  New Concepts of Microbial Translocation in the 
        Neonatal Intestine

19.  Pressure Support Ventilation a New Triggered 
        Ventilation Mode for Neonates

20.  Principles of mechanical ventilation in the neonate

21.  Pulmonary

22.  Regional strategy and plan of action for neonatal health

23.  Selected Annotated Bibliography on Newborn Health

24.  The High Risk Newborn and Family

25.  The Neonatal Survival Guide

26.  The Role of Epigenetics in Neonatology

27.  The Role of High Frequency Ventilation in Neonates

28.  Toolkit for Setting Up Special Care Newborn Units, 
         Stabilization Units and Care Corners


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21 Most Romantic Sentences From The World Of Literature

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ~Ernest Hemingway

For you and me, that’s the hardest part: to bleed.

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Source : Story Pick