1. Clinical pharmacy for paediatric critical care - Sue Jarvis
and Sara Arenas Lopez
2. Common Simple Emergencies - Dr Buttaravoli and Dr Stair
3. Critical Care - Medscape
4. Disaster Planning - Molly A Furin
5. Emergency and essential surgical care - WHO
6. Emergency Medicine - Dr. D. Cass, Dr. I. Dubinsky and
Dr. M. Thompson
7. Emergency Medicine Articles - Medscape
8. First Aid - Headquarters, Departments of the Army, The
Navy and the Air Force
9. First Aid for Soldiers1 - United States. War Department
10. Hazmat - Robert D Cox
11. Lecture notes on Emergency Medicine - Dr. Paul Hill
12. Medicine Emergency Medicine
13. NIH Household Products Database
14. Oxbridge Solutions GP Notebook
15. Principios de Urgencias, Emergencias y Cuidados Crticos
16. The Gist of Emergency Medicine