1. Confronting the Burden of Injuries - Johns Hopkins
2. Doctor and Patient - S. Weir Mitchell
3. General medicine by Chicago Year Book Publishers
- Chicago Year Book Publishers
4. Handbook of suggestive therapeutics, applied hypnotism,
psychic science - Henry S. Munro
5. High Altitude Medicine Guide - Thomas E. Dietz
6. Malariology - Clive Shiff, Nirbhay Kumar and
David Sullivan
7. Medical Algorithms Project - John R. Svirbely
and M.G. Sriram
8. Medicines by Design - U.S. Department Of
Health And Human Services
9. Symptom Research Interactive Clinical
Research Textbook - Mitchell Max and
Joanne Lynn
10. A Practical Guide to Clinical Medicine
11. AllRefer Health
12. Approaching Death National Academy Press
13. Beckers Abkrzungslexikon medizinischer
Begriffe [Deutsch]
14. Canadian Health Network Rseau canadien de la sant
15. Data Supplement ClinicalFutures
16. Descriptores en Ciencias de la Salud BIREME [Espaol]
17. Diccionario mdico biolgico etimolgico Universidad de
Salamanca [Espaol]
18. Diccionarios de [Espaol]
19. DictionaryBarn Dictionary of all medical terms
20. Documed Documentacin Mdica Espaola [Espaol]
21. Dorland's Medical Dictionary
22. EDAcronym National Center for Emergency
Medicine Informatics
23. eMedicine
24. Entrez cross database search NCBI
25. Entrez PubMed NCBI
26. Evidence based medicine, clinical guidelines
27. Fisterra Herramientas tiles para la consulta en
Atencin Primaria de Salud [Espaol]
28. Flexicon Das flexible Lexikon [Deutsch]
29. GPnotebook
30. Griffith's 5 Minute Clinical Consult
31. Innovative Health Technology
32. Introduction to Human Biology and Medicine
33. Kevs Physical Examination Guide
34. La salud Medicina e informacion para medicos
y pacientes [Espaol]
35. Mdecine gnrale Universit de Rennes [Franais]
36. Mdicos Ecuador [Espaol]
37. Medical Abbreviations Dictionary Pharma
Lexicon International
38. Medicdirect
39. Merck Manual of Medical Information Home Edition
40. Minimum vital CHU Piti Salptrire [Franais]
41. National Center for Biotechnology Information
42. P.R. Vademcum [Espaol]
43. Physicians Committee for Responsible Medicine
44. Screening Physical Examination Loyola University
45. Survival guide to the clinics