1. Biology of Microorganisms - Madigan, Martinko
and Parker
2. Course Notes for Intro to Microbiology
- Dr. Rodney E. Rohde
3. Medical Microbiology - Samuel Baron
4. Medical Microbiology for Graduate Students
- Stanley Falkow
5. Molecular and Cellular Biology of Protozoan
Parasites - Mark F. Wiser
6. The History and Scope of Microbiology -
Lansing M Prescott, Donald A Klein and
John P Harley
7. Center for Infectious Disease Research and
Policy - University of Minnesota
8. Introduction to the Bacteria - University of
California, Berkeley
9. Lecture Notes and Resources in Virology
- University of Rochester
10. Microbe Zoo - Michigan State University
11. Biosafety in the Laboratory - National
Academy Press
12. Children's Vaccine Initiative Achieving the
Vision - National Academy Press
13. Emerging Infections Microbial Threats to
Health in the United States
- National Academy Press
14. Emerging Infectious Diseases from the Global
to the Local Perspective - National Academy Press
15. Overcoming Barriers to Immunization
- National Academy Press
16. Vaccine Safety Forum - National Academy Press
17. Actualits en bref pour maladies infectieuses
18. C elegans II
19. CDC Lyme Disease
20. CDC National Prevention Information Network
21. Cours de Virologie Fondamentale DEA Jussieu
Institut Pasteur
22. Course Notes on the Virology
23. Doctor Fungus
24. EPA Microbiology
25. Feuilles d'information DGSPSP Sant Canada
26. Head Lice
27. Immunization Action Coalition and
Hepatitis B Coalition
28. Infectious Agents Surveillance Report
29. Infectious Diseases eMedicine
30. Infecto [Espaol]
31. InfectoPharm
32. Lyme Disease Network
33. Microbiologie mdicale Groupe Azay
34. Mise jour maladies vitables par la vaccination
Sant Canada
35. National Network for Immunization Information
36. Parasitology Course R.Opperdoes
37. ProMED mail
38. Seattle Biomedical Research Institute Notes
39. Wong's Virology