1. Cancer Management A Multidisciplinary
Approach Richard Pazdur, Lawrence R. Coia,
William J. Hoskins, Lawrence D. Wagman
2. Cancer Medicine Robert C. Bast Jr.,
Donald W. Kufe, Raphael E. Pollock,
Ralph R.Weichselbaum, James F. Holland,
Emil Frei
3. Fundamentals of Oncology for Public Health
Practitioners - Johns Hopkins University
4. Handbook of Radiation Oncology - Bruce G. Haffty,
Lynn D. Wilson
5. Hematology and Oncology - Geoffrey Wing Lynn Chan
6. Organspezifische Tumordokumentation G. Wagner,
P. Hermanek, Ch. Wittekind, H.P. Sinn [Deutsch]
7. The Molecular Basis of Cancer Cell Behavior
- Bruce Alberts, Alexander Johnson, Julian Lewis,
Martin Raff, Keith Roberts, and Peter Walter
8. Veterinary Radiation Oncology - Chieko Azuma, DVM, PhD
9. Cancer Care
10. TumorBoard
11. Cell Cycle
12. Oncology eMedicine
13. Chromatin DNA Methylayion
14. Arthur G. James Cancer Hospital and Research
Institute Ohio State University
15. Association of Community Cancer Centers
16. Atlas de Mortalidad por Cancer y otras Causas
en Espaa Fundacin Cientfica de la Asociacin
Espaola Contra el Cncer [Espaol]
17. Bone Tumors University of New Jersey
18. Cancer health and medical information about
cancer detection and treatment options
19. Cancer Supportive Care Program The Fifth Dimension
20. Carcinogens and Anticarcinogens in the Human
Diet A Comparison of Naturally Occurring
and Synthetic Substances National Academy Press
21. Colon Cancer Information Center
22. Krebsinformationsdienst (Germany) [Deutsch]
23. Medical Oncology A Comprehensive Review
Richard Pazdur
24. New Mexico Department of Health
Comprehensive Cancer Programs
25. Oncolink Abramson Cancer Center of the
University of Pennsylvania
26. Roswell Park Cancer Institute
27. UCLA's Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center
28. University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer Center
29. University of Minnesota Cancer Center
30. Washington Musculoskeletal Tumor Center
31. Cancer Pain.org
32. CancerHelp UK
33. CancerNetwork.com
34. InTouchLive.com