1. An Introduction to Social Psychology - William McDougall.
2. Applications of Nonverbal Communication - Ronald E. Riggio.
3. Consciousness and the Social Brain.
4. Culture And Psychology - Textbook.
5. David Sloan Wilson - Unto Others [1998][A].
6. Elements of social and applied psychology.
7. Essentials of Social Psychology.
8. Experiments with People Revelations From Social Psychology
- Robert Abelson.
9. Exploring Social 6th Ed David G Mayer.
10. International Encyclopedia Of The Social &
Behavioral Sciences.
11. Introduction To Political Psychology
- Martha Cottman.
12. Introduction to Social Psychology.
13. Media Psychology - David Giles.
14. Representations of Death A Social Psychological
Perspective - Mary Bradbury.
15. Small Groups by John M Levine.
16. Social Motivation by David Dunning.
17. Social Psychology (13th edition) - Robert A. Baron,
Nyla R. Branscombe.
18. Social Psychology 10 Ed David G. Myers.
19. Social Psychology 12th Ed Shelly E Taylor.
20. Social Psychology 6 Ed Hogg, Vaughan.
21. Social Psychology 8 Ed.
22. Social Psychology and Discourse.
23. Social Psychology and Human Nature [ 2 Ed ] Roy F
Baumeister & Bushman.
24. Social Psychology And Human Nature Roy F
Baumeister & Bushman.
25. Social Psychology Carol Brown.
26. Social Psychology Catherine A Sanderson.
27. Social Psychology, Sociological Perspectives,
Third Edition - David E. Rohall.
28. The PSychological Foundations Of Culture - Mark Schaller.
29. The Psychology of Social Conflict and Aggression.
30. The Social Animal David Brooks.
31. The Social Psychology of Good and Evil.
32. Online Consumer Psychology -Understanding and
Influencing Consumer Behavior in the
Virtual World - Curtis P. Haugtvedt.
33. Why Sex Matters -A Darwinian Look at Human Behavior
- Bobbi S. Low.
1. Group Processes [2002]
2. Intergroup Processes [2001]
3. Interpersonal Processes [2001]
4. Intraindividual Processes [2001]