1. Adam Khoo - Secrets Of Self Made Millionaires 2E.
2. Adrian Gilpin - Unstoppable. The Pathway to Living an Inspired Life.
3. Al Siebert - the Resiliency Advantage.
4. Alan Corey - The Subversive Job Search.
5. Alan Deutchman - Change or Die.
6. Alan Weiss - Money Talk.
7. Alex Lickerman - The Undefeated Mind.
8. Alexandra Levit - Blind Spots 10 Business Myths You Can't Afford to
Believe on Your New Path to Success.
9. Alissa Finerman - Living in Your Top 1%.
10. Alistair Croll - Lean Analytics - Use Data to Build a Better Startup Faster.
11. Allen Klein - Always Look on the Bright Side.
12. Amanda Owen - The Power of Receiving.
13. Amit Goswami - Quantum Creativity.
14. Amy Spencer - Happy Life Checklist.
15. Andre Kukla - Mental Traps.
16. Andrew Hallam - Millionaire Teacher.
17. Andy Smith - Achieve Your Goals.
18. Andy Smith - How To Work With The SCORE Model.
19. Anne Dranitsaris - Who Are You Meant to Be.
20. Barbara Diane Barry - Painting Your Way Out of a Corner.
21. Barbara Fredrickson - Positivity How to Embrace the Hidden Strength of
Positive Emotions, Overcome Negativity, and Thrive.
22. Ben Horowitz - The Hard Thing About Hard Things - Building a Business
When There Are No Easy Answers {S-B}.
23. Bernadette Jiwa - difference the one page method for reimagining you.
24. Bill George - True North - Discovery Your Authentic Leadership.
25. Bill OHanlon - A Lazy Mans Guide to Success 2009.
26. BJ Gallagher - It's Never Too Late to Be What You Might Have Been.
27. Bob Deutsch - The 5 Essentials.
28. Bob Sullivan - The Plateau Effect Getting from Stuck to Success.
29. Brendon Burchard - The Motivation Manifesto.
30. Brian Johnson - A Philosophers Note.
31. Brian Moran - The 12 Week Year. Get More Done in 12 Weeks than Others
Do in 12 Months.
32. Bruce Rosenblum - Quantum Enigma.
33. Bruce Sellery - Moolala.
34. Carl Honore - The Slow Fix.
35. Carl Richards - The Behavioral Gap Simple Ways to stop doing dumb things
with money.
36. Carol Dweck - Mindset.
37. Carol Fleming - It's the Way You Say It. Becoming Articulate, Well-Spoken,
and Clear.
38. Caroline L. Arnold - Small Move, Big Change.
39. Caroline Leaf - Switch On Your Brain.
40. Carrie Rocha - Pocket your Dollars.
41. Charles Duhigg - The Power of Habit- Why We Do What We Do in Life
and Business.
42. Charles Faulkner - Creating Irresistible Influence.
43. Chip Hiden - Build Your Dreams.
44. Chris Berdik - Mind Over Mind_ The Surprising Power of Expectations.
45. Chris Guillebeau - $100 Startup Reinvent the Way You Make a Living
& Create a New Future.
46. Chris Guillebeau - The Art of Non-Conformity.
47. Claude Bristol - The Magic of Believing 1948 edition-2010.
48. Clayton Christensen - How Will You Measure Your Life.
49. Clayton Christensen - The Innovator's DNA.
50. Dale Archer - Better Than Normal How What Makes You Different Can
Make You Exceptional.
51. Dale Carnegie - Golden book.
52. Dale Carnegie - Leadership Mastery Quotes.
53. Dan Ariely - The Upside of Irrationality.
54. Dan Buettner - Thrive.
55. Dan Harris - 10% Happier.
56. Dan Hurley - Smarter The New Science of Building Brain Power.
57. Dan Kennedy - The Phenomenon.
58. Dan Schawbel - Me 2.0 revised_and_updated 4ed.
59. Dan Schawbel - Promote Yourself.
60. Dan Sullivan - The 80% Approach.
61. Dan Sullivan - The Laws of Lifetime Growth.
62. Daniel Coyle - the little book of talent -52 tips for improving your skills.
63. Daniel Coyle - The Talent Code.
64. Daniel Goleman - Focus. The Hidden Driver of Excellence.
65. Daniel Goleman - Vital Lies Simple Truths The Psychology Of Self
66. Daniel Levitin - Organized Mind.
67. Daniel Pink -Drive. The Surprising Truth About What Motivates Us.
68. Daniel Siegel - Mindsight The New Science of Personal Transformation.
69. Danielle LaPorte - Fire Starter Sessions.
70. Dave Lakhani - The Power of an Hour.
71. Dave Logan - Three Laws of Performance.
72. Dave Logan - Tribal Leadership.
74. David DiSalvo - Brain Changer.
75. David DiSalvo - What Makes Your Brain Happy and Why You Should
Do the Opposite.
76. David Farbman - Target, Track, and Attain Your Goals.
77. David Lieberman - Never Be Lied To Again - Get The Truth Out Of
78. David Pottruck - Stacking the Deck.
79. David Stoop - Rethink How You Think.
80. David Taylor - The Naked Millionaire The Ultimate Fast Track Guide
to Wealth, Freedom and Fulfillment.
81. David Theodore George - Untangling the Mind.
82. Dean Radin - Entangled Minds- Extrasensory Experiences in a Quantum
83. Dean Radin - Supernormal.
84. Debbie Ford - Best Year of Your Life.
85. Deepak Chopra - SynchroDestiny Workbook.
86. Dick Sutphen - Self Mastery.
87. Dina Glouberman - You Are What You Imagine.
88. Dorothea Brande - Wake Up and Live!.
89. Duane Lakin - The Unfair Advantage, Sell with NLP.
90. Edward B. Burger and Michael Starbird - The 5 Elements of Effective
91. Edwin Locke - New Developments in Goal Setting and Task Performance.
92. Elizabeth Dunn - Happy Money the science of smarter spending
(missing ch 3).
93. Elizabeth Puttick - 7 Personality Types.
94. Emile Coue - Self Mastery through Conscious Autosuggestion.
95. Eric Ries - The Lean Startup.
96. Erica Ariel Fox - Winning from within. A Breakthrough Method for
Leading, Living, and Lasting Change.
97. Erik Wahl - Unthink. Rediscover Your Creative Genius.
98. Ernie Zelinski - 101 Really Important Things You Already Know But
Keep Forgetting.
99. Ezra Bayda - Beyond Happiness.
100. Flip Flippen - Overcoming Personal Constraints.
101. Flip Flippen - The Flip Side.
102. Frank J. Kinslow - Beyond Happiness.
103. Frank Kinslow - The Kinslow System.
104. Frank Kinslow - The Secret of Quantum Living.
105. Marc Schoen - Your Survival Instinct Is Killing You.
106. Margaret M. Lynch - Tapping Into Wealth.
107. Maria Konnikova - Mastermind How to Think Like Sherlock
108. Marilee Adams - Change Your Questions, Change Your Life.
109. Mark Anastasi - How To Achieve Total Self-Confidence.. FAST.
110. Mark Goulston - Get Out of Your Own Way Overcoming Self-Defeating
111. Mark McGuinness - Resilience, Facing Down Rejection.
112. Mark Murphy - Hard Goals The Secret to Getting from Where You Are.
113. Mark Murphy - HARD Goals Summary.
114. Marshall Goldsmith - Mojo.
115. Marshall Goldsmith - What Got You Here Wont Get You There.
116. Mason Currey - Daily Rituals.
117. Matthew Syed - Bounce.
118. Maxwell Maltz - Psycho-Cybernetics.
119. Maxwell Maltz - The New Psycho-Cybernetics.
120. Megan McArdle - The Up Side of Down.
121. Michael Ellsberg - The Education of Millionaires.
122. Michael Heppell - Flip It. How to Get the Best Out of Everything.
123. Michael Hyatt - Creating-Your-Personal-Life-Plan.
124. Michael Maubossin - The Success Equation.
125. Michael Neill - Super Coach.
126. Michael Neill - The Inside-Out Revolution.
127. Michael S. Sweeney - Your Best Brain Ever.
128. Michael Shermer - The Mind of the Market.
129. Michelle Mapman - Learn with Mind Maps.
130. Mike Robbins - Be Yourself Everyone_Else_is_Already_Taken.
131. Mike Robbins - Nothing Changes Until You Do.
132. Mitch Horowitz - One Simple Idea How Modern Positive Psych.
133. Napoleon Hill - 13 Secrets.
134. Napoleon Hill - The 17 Universal Principles of Success and
135. Neil Fiore - The Now Habit.
136. Neil Francis - Changing Course.
137. Nicholas Lore - The Pathfinder.
138. Nick Winter - The Motivation Hacker.
139. Noah ST. John - The Secret Code of Success.
140. Oliver Burkeman - The Antidote. Happiness for People Who Can't
Stand Positive Thinking.
141. Pam Grout - E-Cubed.
142. Pam Grout - Esquared - 9 Do It Yourself Energy Experiments.
143. Pam Grout - Living Big.
144. Pamela Slim - Body of Work.
145. Pat Mesiti - The $1Million Reason to Change Your Mind.
146. Pat Williams - Coach Wooden.
147. Paul Dolan - Happiness by Design.
148. Paul Mckenna - change your life in 7 days.
149. Paul Scheele - Natural Brilliance, Move from Feeling Stuck to Achieving
150. Paul Tough - How Children Learn.
151. Penny Ferguson - Transform Your Life.
152. Peter Drucker - The Effective Executive.
153. Peter L. Hirsch & Robert Shemin - Living the Significant Life.
154. Peter Thiel - Zero to One.
155. Phil Stutz - The Tools Transform Your Problems Into Courage,
Confidence And Creativity.
156. Piyanka Jain - Behind Every Good Decision.
157. Po Bronson - Top Dog the Science of winning and losing.
158. Rachel Jonat - Do Less.
159. Ramit Sethi - Find Your First Profitable Idea eBook.
160. Ramit Sethi - I Will Teach You To Be Rich.
161. Rhena Branch - Cognitive Behavioural Therapy for Dummies.
162. Rich Christiansen - The Zigzag Principle.
163. Richard Bandler - Frogs into Princes.
164. Richard Bandler - Get the Life You Want.
165. Richard Bandler - Guide to Trance-Formation Make Your Life
166. Richard Bandler - How to Take Charge of Your Life.
167. Richard Bandler - The Adventures of Anybody.
168. Richard Bandler - The Secrets of Being Happy The Technology of
Hope Health and Harmony.
169. Richard Bandler - The Ultimate Introduction to NLP How to build
a successful life.
170. Richard Bandler - Trance-formations - NLP & the Structure of Hypnosis.
171. Richard Bandler - Using Your Brain for A Change.
172. Richard Bandler and John Grinder - Reframing - NLP & The
Transformation Of Meaning.
173. Richard Bandler and John Grinder - The Structure Of Magic Vol II.
174. Richard Branson - Business Stripped Bare.
175. Richard Branson - Losing My Virginity How I Survived.
176. Richard Branson - Screw It, Lets do it.
177. Richard Newton - Dream It Do It Live It 9 easy_steps.
178. Richard O'Connor - Rewire.
179. Richard Restak - Think Smart A Neuroscientist's Prescription for
Improving Brain Function.
180. Richard Shell - Springboard.
181. Richard Wiseman - 59 Seconds Think a Little, Change a Lot.
182. Richard Wiseman - Rip It Up.
183. Richie Norton - The Power of Starting Something Stupid. How to
Crush Fear.
184. Rick Hanson - Buddha's Brain.
185. Rick Hanson - Hardwiring Happiness.
186. Rintu Basu - NLP Techniques. An Introduction to Conversational
187. Robert Dilts - Sleight of Mouth - The Magic of Conversational Belief
188. Robert Dilts - Visionary Leadership Skills.
189. Robert Greene - Mastery.
190. Robert Kelsey - Get Things Done.
191. Robert Kelsey - What's Stopping You Being More Confident.
192. Robert Steven Kaplan - What you're really meant to do a road map
for reach.
193. Robert Wilson - Quantum Psychology How Brain Software
Programs you and Your World.
194. Roger Hamilton - The Millionaire Master Plan.
195. Rolf Dobelli - The Art of Thinking Clearly.
196. Rom Brafman - Succeeding When You're Supposed to Fail.
197. Roy Baumeister - Willpower.
198. Russ Harris - The Happiness Trap.
199. Ryan Babineaux - Fail Fast Fail Often How Losing can help you Win.
200. Ryan Holiday - The Obstacle Is the Way.
201. Sam Bennett - Get It Done.
202. Sarah Lewis - The Rise, Creativity, the Gift of Failure and Search
for Mastery.
203. Scott Adams - How to Fail at Almost Everything and Still Win Big Kind
of the Story of My Life.
204. Scott Dinsmore - 27-Questions-to-Find-Your-Passion_LYL.
205. Shad Helmstetter - What To Say When You Talk To Your Self.
206. Sharon Lechter - Outwitting the Devil Discussion Points.
207. Sharon Lechter - Three Feet From Gold.
208. Sharon Melnick - Success Under Stress.
209. Shawn Achor - Before Happiness.
210. Shawn Achor - The Happiness Advantage.
211. Sheena Iyengar - The Art of Choosing.
212. Shimon Edelman - The Happiness of Pursuit.
213. Shlomo Vaknin - The Big Book Of NLP Techniques.
214. Sian Beilock - Choke.
215. Simon Middleton - Brand New You.
216. Simran Singh - Conversations with the Universe.
217. Sonja Lyubomirsky - The How of Happiness.
218. Sonja Lyubomirsky - The Myths of Happiness.
219. Stanislas Dehaene - Consciousness and the Brain.
220. Stanley Bronstein - Maslows Hierarchy for 21st Century.
221. Stephen Guise - Mini Habits.
222. Stephen H. Wolinsky - The Beginner's Guide to Quantum Psychology.
223. Stephen M. Kosslyn, G. Wayne Miller - Top Brain, Bottom Brain.
Surprising Insight into How You Think.
224. Stephen Wolinsky - Quantum Consciousness The Guide to
Experiencing Quantum Psychology.
225. Steve Olsher - Internet Prophets.
226. Steve Olsher - Journey to You.
227. Steve Olsher - What is Your What.
228. Steve Peters - Chimp Paradox.
229. Steve Rizzo - Get your SHIFT Together.
230. Steve Siebold - How Rich People Think.
231. Steven Dresner - Crowdfunding.
232. Steven Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner - Think Like a Freak.
233. Steven Pinker - The Language Instinct.
234. Steven Pressfield - Turning Pro.
235. Steven Reiss - Who am I The 16 Basic Desires that Motivate Our
Action and Define Our Personalities.
236. Stuart Lichtman - How To Get Lots Of Money For Anything Fast.
237. Susan Pearse - Wired for Life.
238. Tal Ben Shahar - Even Happier.
239. Tal Ben-Shahar - Choose the Life You Want.
240. Talane Miedaner - Coach Yourself to Success - 2000.
241. Tammy Strobel- You Can Buy Happiness (and It's Cheap).
242. Thalma Lobel - Sensation the New Science of Physical Intelligence.
243. Theodore Bryant - Self-Discipline in 10 days - How To Go From Thinking
To Doing.
244. Thomas Sterner - The Practicing Mind.
245. Tim Clark - Business Model You - A One-Page Method For Reinventing
Your Career.
246. Todd Henry - The Accidental Creative.
247. Todd Kashdan - Curious.
248. Tom Barnett - The Power of a Half Hour.
249. Tom Butler-Bowden - 50 Self-Help Classics 50 Inspirational Books to
Transform Your Life.
250. Tom Oliver - Nothing Is Impossible.
251. Tom Rath - Eat Move Sleep.
252. Tom Rath - StrengthsFinder 2.0.
253. Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic - Confidence overcoming low self esteem
insecurity and self doubt.
254. Tony Buzan - The Power of Social Intelligence.
255. Topher Morrison - Settle For Excellence (2006).
256. Tracy Alloway - The Working Memory Advantage.
257. TW Walker - How To Turn Fear Into Confidence A Superhero Success
Guide To Conquering Fear!.
258. Vern Harnish - Mastering the Rockefeller Habits.
259. Vernon Kitabu Turner - Under the Sword.
260. Vic Johnson - 13 Secrets of World Class Goal Achievers.
261. Vic Johnson - 52 Mondays The 1 Year path_to_outrageous_success.
262. Wayne Dyer - Wishes Fulfilled.
263. Wendy Jago - Wired for Success.
264. Werner Loewenstein - Physics in Mind.
265. William Gladstone - The Complete Master Key System.
266. William Tippett - Building an Ageless Mind.
267. Willie Jolley - Turn Setbacks into Greenbacks.
268. Wyatt Woodsmall - The Future Of Learning - The Michel Thomas
269. Zig Ziglar - A View From the Top.
270. Zig Ziglar - Goals Pro Chart.
271. Zig Ziglar - Self-Talk.
272. Instant Persuasion - Laurie Puhn, J.Djeremy
273. Think And Grow Rich
274. I'm OK, You're OK - Thomas Harris.
275. 10 Tips to Engage any Audience.
276. 5 Laws of Success by Arina Nikitina.
277. 7 Goal Setting tricks by Arina Nikitina.
278. 7 Keys to Success by Will Edwards.
279. A. H. Maslow - A Theory of Human Motivation.
280. Adrian Furnham - Personality and Intelligence at Work.
281. Barry Reid - 100 Ways to Disappear and Live Free.
282. Beat your Bad Habits for good.
283. Chanakya- 1st complete management guru - Rajshekar Krishnan.
284. David DeAngelo - Attraction Isn't A Choice.
285. David J. Lieberman - Get Anyone to do Anything.
286. Developing the Success Mindset.
287. Dr. Gabriel and Nili Raam - When Negotiating, Look for Nonverbal
288. Dr. Karen Odazo - The Truth about Managing Your Career.
289. Dr. Krishna N. Sharma - Famous Quotes on Winning.
290. Dr. Noelle C. Nelson - The Power of Appreciation in Everyday Life.
291. Dr. Rob Yeung - How to Succeed at Interviews.
292. Edgar H. Schein - The Corporate Culture Survival Guide.
293. Elizabeth Kershaw - 101 Reasons Why it’s great to be a Woman.
294. Eric Berne - Games People Play.
295. Fred Orr - Study Skills for Successful Students.
296. G. I. Nierenberg and H. H. Calero - How to Read a Person Like a
297. G. K. Lim - How to be a Better Manager.
298. Gerald Nadler & William J. Chandon - Smart Questions.
299. Gerard I. Nierenberg & Henry H. Calero - How to Read a Person like
a Book.
300. Gini Graham Scott - 30 Days to a More Powerful Memory.
301. Gladwell, Malcolm - Outliers, The Story Of Success.
302. Go,Kiss the world-Subroto Bagchi.
303. Harry Browne - How I Found Freedom in an Unfree World.
304. How I made my first million 26 self-made millionaires reveal the
secrets to their success - Honest.
305. How to Develop your Psychic Abilities to Improve your Life.
306. How to Stop a Panic Attack in Five Minutes.
307. How to Stop Smoking Forever.
308. How to Stop Worrying & Start Living.
309. How to win Friends n influnce ppl.
310. How Will You Measure Your Life.
311. How-to-Bounce-Back-from-Failure.
312. how-to-make-great-conversation-and-small-talks.
313. I Can Therefore I Will.
314. I'm OK, You're OK - Thomas Harris.
315. Internet Success Secrets by Margaret Lukasik.
316. Jeffrey G. Allen - The Complete Q&A Job Interview Book,
4th Edition.
317. Jim Donovan - The Little Book that can Change your Life.
318. John A. Sarkett - Extraordinary Comebacks.
319. John J. Webster (Compiled) - How to get the Truth out of Anyone.
320. Judy Willis - How Your Child Learns Best.
321. Kathleen Taylor - Brainwashing.
322. Kelley St. John - To Catch a Cheat.
323. Kevin A. Beck - This Book Will Change Your World.
324. Larry Bossidy & Ram Charan - Execution.
325. Leading Change By John Kotter.
326. Listening to the Binaural Beat.
327. Madsen Pirie - How to Win Every Argument.
328. managing yourself-peter drucker.
329. Megaliving-RobinSharma.
330. Meryl Runion - How to Use Power Phrases.
331. Michael Iva - 100 Ways to Kill a Concept.
332. Michele Borba - 12 Simple Secrets Real Moms Know.
333. Napoleon Hill’s Awesome Secret by Will Edwards.
334. Peter Drucker - Management Leadership.
335. Peter Drucker - The Discipline Of Innovation - Hbr Article.
336. - 10 Tips to engage any audience,
on any topic.
337. Public Relations For Dummies, 2nd Ed.
338. Secrets of Rich.
339. Seven Habits of Highly Effective People by Stephen R. Covey.
340. Shawn Doyle - The Manager's Pocket Guide to Motivating Employee.
341. Stay hungry_stay foolish - Rashmi Bansal.
342. Stress Mangement .
343. The Science Of Getting Rich by Wallace D. Wattles.
344. The Secret by Rhonda Byrne.
345. The Ultimate Book of Saturday Science.
346. Theodore Bryant - Self Discipline in 10 Days.
347. Think and Grow Rich By Napoleon Hill.
348. Timeless Wisdom-RobinSharma.
349. Top 200 Secrets Of Success -RobinSharma.
350. Tough Times Never Last by Robert H. Schuller.
351. Train Your Brain by Judith Tramayne.
352. Unshakeable Self-Confidence.
353. What Do You Care What Other People Think - Feynman.
354. What Makes an Effective Executive - Peter Drucker.
355. Who Moved My Cheeze by Judith Tramayne.
356. You Can Win by Shiv Khera.