1. The Charisma myth.
2. Click.
3. Covert Hypnosis.
4. Covert Subliminal Influence Manual.
5. Strategies of Psychotherapy.
6. The Art of Political Warfare.
7. The Elements of Persuasion.
8. The Machiavellians Guide to Charm For Both Men and Women.
9. The Manipulated Mind Brainwashing Conditioning and
10. The New Machiavelli How to Wield Power in the Modern World.
11. The Psychology Of Persuasion How To Persuade Others To Your
Way Of Thinking - Kevin Hogan.
12. The Science Of Influence.
13. Secrets to Winning at Office Politics How to Achieve Your Goals
and Increase Your Influence at Work.
14. Charm - Bayley, Stephen.
15. Total Diplomacy - The Art of Winning Risk.
1. Greene, Robert - The 33 Strategies of War.
2. Robert Greene Joost Elffers The 48 Laws of Power 2000.
3. The Art of Seduction - Robert Greene.
1. Influence - Science and Practice (5 ed).
2. Introduction to Social Phychology.
3. Yes - 50 Scientifically Proven Ways to be Persuasive.