SELF HELP Books Collection
1. James Allen As a Man Thinketh (1902)
2. Steve Andreas & Charles Faulkner (NLP Comprehensive Team)
NLP: The New Technology of Achievement(1994)
3. Marcus Aurelius Meditations (2nd century)
4. Martha Beck Finding Your Own North Star: How to Claim the Life
5. You Were Meant to Live (2001)
6. The Bhagavad-Gita
7. The Bible
8. Robert Bly Iron John (1990)
9. Boethius The Consolation of Philosophy (6th century)
10. Alain de Botton How Proust Can Change Your Life (1997)
11. William Bridges Transitions: Making Sense of Life’s Changes (1980)
12. David D. Burns Feeling Good: The New Mood Therapy (1980)
13. Joseph Campbell with Bill Moyers The Power of Myth (1987)
14. Richard Carlson Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff And It’s All Small Stuff (1997)
15. Dale Carnegie How to Win Friends and Influence People (1936)
16. Deepak Chopra The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success (1994)
17. Paulo Coelho The Alchemist (1993)
18. Stephen Covey The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (1989)
19. Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience (1990)
20. The Dalai Lama & Howard C. Cutler The Art of Happiness:
21. A Handbook for Living (1998)
22. The Dhammapada (Buddha’s teachings)
23. Wayne Dyer Real Magic: Creating Miracles in Everyday Life(1992)
24. Ralph Waldo Emerson Self-Reliance (1841)
25. Clarissa Pinkola Estés Women Who Run with the Wolves(1992)
26. Viktor Frankl Man’s Search for Meaning(1959)
27. Benjamin Franklin Autobiography (1790)
28. Shakti Gawain Creative Visualization (1978)
29. Daniel Goleman Emotional Intelligence: Why It Can Matter More than IQ (1995)
30. John Gray Men Are from Mars,Women Are from Venus (1992)
31. Louise Hay You Can Heal Your Life (1984)
32. James Hillman The Soul’s Code: In Search of Character and Calling (1996)
33. Susan Jeffers Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway (1987)
34. Richard Koch The 80/20 Principle: The Secret of Achieving More with Less (1998)
35. Ellen J. Langer Mindfulness: Choice and Control in Everyday Life (1989)
36. Lao Tzu Tao Te Ching (5th–3rd century BC)
37. Maxwell Maltz Psycho-Cybernetics (1960)
38. Abraham Maslow Motivation and Personality (1954)
39. Philip C. McGraw Life Strategies: Doing What Works, Doing What Matters (1999)
40. Thomas Moore Care of the Soul: A Guide for Cultivating
41. Depth and Sacredness in Everyday Life (1992)
42. Joseph Murphy The Power of Your Subconscious Mind (1963)
43. Norman Vincent Peale The Power of Positive Thinking (1952)
44. Carol S. Pearson The Hero Within: Six Archetypes We Live By (1986)
45. M. Scott Peck The Road Less Traveled (1978)
46. Ayn Rand Atlas Shrugged (1957)
47. Anthony Robbins Awaken the Giant Within (1991)
48. Florence Scovell Shinn The Game of Life and How to Play It(1925)
49. Martin Seligman Learned Optimism (1991)
50. Samuel Smiles Self-Help (1859)
51. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin The Phenomenon of Man (1955)
52. Henry David Thoreau Walden (1854)
53. Marianne Williamson A Return to Love(1994)
54. Get OFF Your Butt.
55. Handbook of Self Help Therapies.
56. Managing intense emotions.
57. Saving the modern soul.
58. Self Discipline In 10 Days.
59. Self help for eating disorders.
60. Self hypnosis.
61. The Top 101 Self Help Expert.
62. What's It Like Being You.
63. What to Say When You Talk to Your Self.
66. How to talk so people listen - The Real Key to Job Success
67. How to think like Sherlock- Improve Your Powers of Observation,
Memory And Deduction
68. 100 Ways to Motivate Yourself Change Your Life Forever.
69. Inner Power Six Techniques for Increased Energy & Self-Healing.
70. How To Pass Exams.