George Santayana Literary Philosopher.
2. George Santayana's Marginalia - A Critical
Selection, Abell-Lucretius.
3. George Santayanas Marginalia, A Critical
Selection Book One, Abell--Lucretius The
Works of George Santayana Volume 6.
4. Martin A. Coleman The Essential Santayana
Selected Writings 2009.
5. Neruda_and_Vallejo.
6. Newton P. Stallknecht George Santayana
Pamphlets on American Writers 1971.
7. Pablo Picasso, Paul Blackburn, Anne
Waldman, Anselm Hollo The Burial
of the Count of Orgaz & Other Poems 2004.
8. The Crucified Mind - Rafael Alberti and
the Surrealist Ethos in Spain.
9. Vega, Garcilaso de la - Selected Poems.