Albiach, Anne Marie - Two Poems Flammigere
and the Line the Loss.
and the Line the Loss.
2. Broome & Chesters (eds) - Anthology of
Modern French Poetry 1850 to 1950, An.
3. Darnton, Robert - Poetry and the Police
Communication Networks in Eighteenth
-Century Paris.
4. Francis Ponge The Voice of Things 1974.
5. Gabrielle de Coignard Spiritual Sonnets A
Bilingual Edition The Other Voice in Early
Modern Europe 2003.
6. Gaston Bachelard The Poetics of Space 1994.
7. Gorode, Dewe - Sharing As Custom Provides
Selected Poems.
8. Guillaume Apollinaire - Calligrammes.
9. Jacqueline Pascal A Rule for Children and
Other Writings The Other Voice in Early
Modern Europe 2003.
10. LAubespine, Madeleine de - Selected
Poems and Translations.
11. Leaving Parnassus- The Lyric Subject
in Verlaine and Rimbaud.
12. Madeleine-Catherine Roches-Mother Daughter
Poems-Letters of Les Dames des Roches 2006.
13. Royet-Journoud, Claude - Theory of Prepositions.
14. Valery, Paul - Monsieur Teste.
15. Verlaine, Paul - One Hundred and One Poems
(trans Shapiro).