A Legend of old Persia and other poems.
2. Ali, Kazim - Bright Felon.
3. Andrew Marvell, The Critical Heritage.
4. Anna Seward - A Constructed Life.
5. Armitage, Simon - Euripides' Mister Heracles.
6. Arthur Hugh Clough - The Critical Heritage .
7. British poetry before 1600.
8. Byron, Lord - Byron Selection by Paul Muldoon, A.
9. Caddel & Quartermain (eds) - Other British
and Irish poetry since 1970.
10. Camelot in the Nineteenth Century - Arthurian
Characters in the Poems of Tennyson, Arnold,
Morris, and Swinburne.
11. Charles Lamb, Coleridge and Wordsworth
Reading Friendship in the 1790s 2008.
12. Contemporary Irish Poetry An Anthology.
13. Dante Gabriel Rossetti -House of Life,
Sonnet-Sequence A Variorum Editn.
14. Dublin in the Age of William Butler Yeats
and James Joyce.
15. English Verse with Russian Translation
XIV-XIX Century.
16. English Verse with Russian Translation
XX Century.
17. Enoch Arden.
18. George Crabbe The Critical Heritage
The Collected Critical Heritage
18th Century Literature.
19. Graves, Robert - Poems 1938 to 1945.
20. Henry A. Beers--From chaucer to tennyson.
21. Higgins, Dick - Horizons.
22. Hopkins, Gerard Manley - Poems.
23. huxley-defeat-of-youth-and-other-poems.
24. Idylls of the King.
25. John Gardner The alliterative Morte Arthure
- The owl and the nightingale, 1973.
26. Joyce, James - Chamber Music.
27. Lanyer - A Renaissance Woman Poet 1999.
28. Lewis, Gwyneth - Sunbathing in the Rain, A
Cheerful Book on Depression.
29. Maxwell, Glyn - Boys at Twilight Poems
1990 to 1995.
30. Moore, Nicholas - Spleen.
31. O Donaghue, John - Conamara Blues.
32. Paterson, Don - Best Thought Worst Thought.
33. Poetry and Paternity in Renaissance England
Sidney, Spenser, Shakespeare, Donne and Jonson.
34. Raffel, Burton & Alexandra Olsen - Poems and
Prose from Old English.
35. Rosalind Smith Sonnets=Eng Womn Writr,
1560-1621Politics of Absence Early Modern
Literature 2005.
36. Routledge Anthology of Poets on Poets Poetic
Responses to English Poetry from Chaucer to Yeats.
37. Rural Life in Eighteenth-Century English Poetry.
38. Sonnet Sequences and Social Distinction in
Renaissance England.
39. The Art of Eloquence - Byron, Dickens,
Tennyson, Joyce 2007.
40. The Princess.
41. The Ulster Renaissance - Poetry in
Belfast 1962-1972.
42. Trauma, Transcendence, and Trust
Wordsworth, Tennyson, and Eliot
Thinking Loss 2010.
43. Yeats, Coleridge and the Romantic Sage.