



1.       Ausonius Vol 2, Hugh G. Evelyn White Translator 
      Ausonius Volume 2, Books 18-20  Loeb Classical 
      Library  1921.

2.       Ausonius, Vol 1 Hugh G. Evelyn-White (Translator).


1.       A Companion to Catullus   2007.

2.       Catullus - Poems of Catullus trans Peter Wigham.

3.       Gaius Valerius Catullus The Poems of Catullus 
      A Bilingual Edition  2005.


1.       Claudian Volume I.

2.       Claudian Volume II.


1.       A Commentary on Horace Odes Book III.

2.       A Companion to Horace.

3.       A Symposion of Praise Horace Returns to 
       Lyric in Odes IV.

4.       Horace (Eduard Fraenkel).

5.       Horace (trans Kaimowitz) - Odes of Horace.

6.       Horace - the Epistles.

7.       Horace Epodes and Odes.

8.       Horace for students of literature the Ars 
       poetica and its tradition.

9.       Horaces Carmen Saeculare - Ritual Magic 
       and the Poets Art.

10.   Horace’s Iambic Criticism Casting Blame 
        Iambike Poiesis.

11.   The Cambridge Companion to Horace.


1.       Empedocles Redivivus - Poetry and Analogy in Lucretius.

2.       Inconsistency in Roman Epic - Studies in Catullus, 
       Lucretius, Vergil, Ovid and Lucan Roman Literature
        and its Contexts.

3.       Lucretius and the Transformation of Greek Wisdom.

4.       Lucretius On the Nature of Things.

5.       Oxford Readings in Lucretius.

6.       The Cambridge Companion to Lucretius.


1.       Martial - Epigrams, Volume I Spectacles, Books 1-5.

2.       Martial - Epigrams, Volume II Books 6-10.


1.       A Companion to Ovid.

2.       Brill's Companion to Ovid.

3.       Founding the Year - Ovids Fasti And the Poetics 
       of the Roman Calendar.

4.       Ovid - Fasti.

5.       Ovid - Heroides and Amores.

6.       Ovid - The Metamorphoses.

7.       Ovid before Exile - Art and Punishment in 
       the Metamorphoses.

8.       Ovid Tristia. Ex Ponto.

9.       Ovids Metamorphoses - A Readers Guide.

10.   Ovids Metamorphoses - Oxford Approaches
       to Classical Literature.

11.   The Cambridge Companion to Ovid.

12.   The Poet and the Prince - Ovid and 
       Augustan Discourse.


1.       Propertius  Elegies.


1.       Prudentius, Volume I Liber Cathemerinon, 
       Apotheosis, Hamartigenia, Psychomachia, 
       Contra orationem Symmachi I.

2.       Prudentius, Volume II Contra orationem 
       Symmachi II, Peristephanon Liber, 
       Tituli Historiarum, Epilogus.


1.       Sidonius - Poems. Letters, Books 1-2.


1.       Silius Italicus - Punica, Volume I.

2.       Silius Italicus - Punica, Volume II.


1.       Statius - Volume I - Silvae, Thebaid I-IV.

2.       Statius - Volume II Thebaid V-XII, Achilleid I-II.


1.       A Commentary on Virgil Eclogues.

2.       Fall of Virgil in Eightenth-Century Germny 
       Repressd Muse Studies German Literatre 
       Linguistics Cultre.

3.       Fathers and Sons in Virgils Aeneid - Tum 
       Genitor Natum.

4.       King of the Wood - The Sacrificial Victor in 
       Virgils Aeneid.

5.       Statius and Virgil - The Thebaid and the 
       Reinterpretation of the Aeneid.

6.       The Cambridge Companion to Virgil.

7.       The Other Virgil - `Pessimistic Readings of 
        the Aeneid in Early Modern Culture.

8.       The Poetry of Pathos - Studies in Virgilian Epic.

9.       The Primacy of Vision in Virgils Aeneid.

10.   The Virgilian Tradition The First Fifteen Hundred Years.

11.   Virgil - Aeneid, trans by Allen Mandelbaum.

12.   Virgil - Aeneid, trans by Edward McCrorie.

13.   Virgil - Aeneid, trans by Frederic Ahl.

14.   Virgil - Georgics (Yale New Classics).

15.   Virgil - Georgics.

16.   Virgil and the Augustan Reception.

17.   Virgil and the Myth of Venice - Books and Readers 
       in the Italian Renaissance.

18.   Virgil on the Nature of Things - The Georgics, 
        Lucretius and the Didactic Tradition.

19.   Virgil Recomposed The Mythological and 
       Secular Centos in Antiquity.

20.   Virgil's Aeneid - Cosmos and Imperium.

21.   Virgil, Volume II  - Aeneid Books 7-12, 
        Appendix Vergiliana.

22.   Virgils Augustan Epic.


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21 Most Romantic Sentences From The World Of Literature

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ~Ernest Hemingway

For you and me, that’s the hardest part: to bleed.

But for these authors, weaving beautiful words into heart-touching romance comes naturally. Come, fall in love…with words.

Because other than your partner, only a writer can give you a rapidly pumping heart out of love.

Source : Story Pick