Category Theory
1. An introduction to Category Theory -by- Harold Simmons
2. Introduction To Category Theory And Categorical Logic -by- Thomas Streicher
3. Computational Category Theory -by- D.E. Rydeheard and R.M. Burstal
4. Category Theory for Scientists -by- David I. Spivak
5. Lecture NotesCategory Theory -by- Steve Awodey
6. Tensor Categorie -by- P. Etingof, S. Gelaki, D. Nikshych, and V. Ostrik
7. Category Theory for Program Construction by Calculation -by- Lambert Meertens
8. Notes on Category Theory -by- Robert L. Knighten
9. Category Theory Lecture Notes for ESSLLI -by- Michael Barr and Charles Wells
10. Brief notes on category theory -by- Prakash Panangaden
11. Introduction to The Theory of Categories
12. Higher Dimensional Categories an illustrated guide book -by- Eugenia Cheng
and Aaron Lauda
13. Higher Operads, Higher Categories -by- Tom Leinster
14. Mixed Motives
15. A Gentle Introduction to Category Theory -by- Maarten M. Fokkinga
16. Category Theory Lecture Notes -by- Daniele Turi
17. Introduction to Category Theory -by- Graham Hutton, School of Computer Science,
University of Nottingham
18. Category Theory -by- Steve Awodey
19. Basic Category Theory -by- Jaap van Oosten