1. Introduction to Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
Alexander Kirillov
2. Lecture Notes on Lie Algebras and Lie Groups
Luiz Agostinho Ferreira
3. Lie Algebras by Fulton B. Gonzalez
Fulton B. Gonzalez
4. Notes For Lie algebras
Kiyoshi Igusa
5. Matrix Lie Groups And Control Theory
Jimmie Lawson
6. Notes Lie Groups and Lie Algebras
Theo Johnson Freyd
7. Modular Lie Algebras
Dmitriy Rumynin
8. Lectures on Lie Algebras
Joseph Bernstein
9. Lie algebras notes
Alexei Skorobogatov
10. Theory of representations by Claudio Procesi
11. Lie algebras by Shlomo Sternberg
Shlomo Sternberg
12. Notes on Lie Algebras
Hans Samelson
13. Notes on Lie Groups
Ivan Avramidi
14. An Introduction to Lie Groups and Symplectic Geometry
Robert L. Bryant, Duke University, Durham
15. Lie methods
Arieh Iserles
16. F. Warner, Foundations of Differentiable Manifolds and Lie Groups (DJVU)
Lie Algebras Lecture Notes
Alexei Skorobogatov
17. Lie Algebras by Shlomo Sternberg
Shlomo Sternberg