1 Algebraic Number Theory by Paul Garrett
2. The Theory of Numbers by R. D. Carmichael
3. An Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory by Frederique Oggier
4. Analytic Number Theory II by Oxford University
5. Number TheoryFermats Last Theorem
6. A Course on Number Theory
7. Elementary Number Theory
8. Lectures on Topics in Algebraic Number Theory
9. Introductory Number Theory
10. Notes on Number Theory
11. A Modern Course on Curves and Surfaces
12. An Explicit Approach to Elementary Number Theory
13. Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory
14. Introduction to Number Theory
16. Automorphic Forms, Representations, and L Functions
17. Arithmetic Lecture Notes
18. Number Theory book
19. Elementary Number Theory ebook
20. Number Theory
21. A Computational Introduction to Number Theory
22. Analytic Number Theory
23. A Course In Algebraic Number Theory
24. Algorithmic Number Theory
25. Number theory and elementary arithmetic
26. Algebraic Number Theory Course Notes
27. Combinatorial and Analytic Number Theory
28. Computational Number Theory
30. Number Theory and Cryptography
31. Algebra and Number Theory
32. Algebraic Number Theory summary of notes
33. The ABCs of Number Theory
34. Elementary Number Theory
35. Elementary Number Theory Chen W.W.L
36. Elementary Number Theory Clark W.E.
37. An Introduction to the Theory of Numbers
38. Number Theory Notes
39. Stein W Elementary Number theory
40. Introduction to Number Theory
41. An Introduction to p adic Numbers and p adic Analysis
42. Algebra and Number Theory
43. Modular forms
44. Introduction to Algebraic Number Theory