1. Crc Handbook of Medicinal Spices.
2. Dictionary of Flavors - Dolf A. De Rovira.
3. Dictionary of Food - Charles Sinclair.
4. Dictionary of Food Ingredients - Robert S. Igoe.
5. Diet Handbook.
6. Encyclopedia of Food And Culture, Volume 1.
7. Encyclopedia of Food And Culture, Volume 2.
8. Encyclopedia of Food And Culture, Volume 3.
9. Encyclopedia of Food And Drink Industries.
10. Encyclopedia of Foods - A Guide To Healthy Nutrition
(2002 Edition).
11. Encyclopedia of Junk Food And Fast Food - Andrew F.Smith.
12. Encyclopedia of Organic, Sustainable, And Local Food
- Leslie A. Duram.
13. Grow Your Own Groceries - Linda Gray.
14. Hallucinogenic-Plants-A-Golden-Guide.
15. Handbook of Fermented Meat And Poultry - Fidel Toldrá.
16. Handbook of Food Preservation - M. Shafiur Rahman.
17. Handbook of Food-Drug Interactions.
18. Handbook of Fruits And Fruit Processing (Wiley, 2006).
19. Handbook of Herbs And Spices Vol I.
20. Handbook of Herbs And Spices Vol Ii.
21. Handbook of Herbs And Spices Vol Iii.
22. Handbook of Meat, Poultry And Seafood Quality.
23. Harvesting And Storing Fresh Garden Vegetables.
24. Herbs And Natural Supplements (7summits).
25. Homemade Massage Oil Recipes.
26. Ingredients Etc. 2009.
27. Kevin Trudeau - Natural Cures They Don't Want You To Know
28. Leung's Encyclopedia of Common Natural Ingredients 2009.
29. Molecular Gastronomy - Exploring The Science of Flavor,
2006 Edition.
30. Out of The Scientist's Garden - Richard Stirzaker.
31. Prin Principles of Food, Beverage And Labor Cost Controls
- Paul R. Dittmer, J. Desmond Keefe.
32. Principles of Food Chemistry -John M. Deman (3rd Edition).
33. Substituting Ingredients A To Z.
34. Survival - Drying Food.
35. The A-Z of Food Safety, 2007 Edition.
36. The Complete Idiots Guide To Spices & Herbs (7summits).
37. The Complete Idiots Guide To Spices & Herbs.
38. The Encyclopaedia of Country Living - Carla Emery.
39. The Enlightened Kitchen - Marie Oser.
40. The New Oxford Book of Food Plants - J. G. Vaughan &
C. A. Geissler.