

Collection of   JAVA  E-Books from MUTYALA VARU LIBRARY




4.            Advanced Java 2 Platform How to Program (JDK 1.3, J2EE 1.2) 2001.

5.            Agile Java Development with Spring Hibernate and Eclipse 2006.

6.            Art of Java Web Development - Struts, Tapestry, Commons, Velocity,
                JUnit, Axis, Cocoon, InternetBeans, Webwork 2004.

7.            Beginning Algorithims (2006).

8.            Beginning Java 2, SDK 1.4 Ed 2003.

9.            Black Art Of Java Game Programming 1996.

10.          Building Applications With WebSphere Studio And JavaBeans A Guided
               Tour 2003.

11.          Design java apps with uml 2000.

12.          Fundamentals of OOP and Data Structures in Java 2001.

13.          Introduction to Computing and Programming with Java - A Multimedia
               Approach 2006.

14.          Jakarta Struts 2002.

15.          Jakarta Struts For Dummies 2004.

16.          Java  How to Program, 6th Ed 2004.

17.          Java - A Beginner's Guide, 3rd Edition (2005).

18.          Java 2 Enterprise Edition 1.4 Bible 2004.

19.          Java 2 Micro Edition 2002.

20.          Java Advanced How to Program (redistilled in one book) 2001.

21.          Java All-in-One Desk Reference for Dummies 2005.

22.          Java Extreme Programming Cookbook (O'Reilly, 2003).

23.          Java How to Program, 4th 2004.

24.          Java InstantCode Developing JSP and XML Integrated Solutions 2004.

25.          Java reference library 1996.

26.          Java Servlet Programming 1998.

27.          Java Swing 2nd Edition 2005.

28.          Java Web Services Architecture (2003).

29.          Java Web Services Architecture 2003.

30.          Javascript In 10 Simple Steps Or Less (2004).

31.          Killer Game Programming In Java (2005).            

32.          Killer Game Programming in Java 2005.

33.          Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans 3.0 4th Ed 2006.

34.          Mastering Enterprise JavaBeans, 3rd Ed 2005.

35.          O'Reilly - Better Faster Lighter Java.

36.          O'Reilly - Creating Effective JavaHelp.

37.          O'Reilly - Database Programming with JDBC and Java 2nd Edition.

38.          O'Reilly - Designing Enterprise Applications with Java 2 Enterprise

39.          O'Reilly - Developing Java Beans.

40.          O'Reilly - Enterprise JavaBeans 4th Edition.

41.          O'Reilly - Hardcore Java.

42.          O'Reilly - J2EE Design Patterns.

43.          O'Reilly - J2ME in a Nutshell.

44.          O'Reilly - Jakarta Commons Cookbook.

45.          O'Reilly - JBoss 3.2 Workbook for Enterprise JavaBeans 3rd Edition.

46.          O'Reilly - Learning Wireless Java.

47.          O'Reilly - Mac OS X for Java Geeks.

48.          O'Reilly - Mastering Regular Expressions in Java 2nd Edition.

49.          O'Reilly - Programming Jakarta Struts 2nd Edition.

50.          O'Reilly - Tomcat The Definitive Guide.

51.          Object Oriented Data Structures Using Java 2002.

52.          Object oriented Design in Java 1998.

53.          Portability java language 1998.

54.          Practical Java Message Service.

55.          Presenting Java Beans 2000.

56.          Professional Eclipse 3 for Java Developers 2006.

57.          Professional Java Development With The Spring Framework (2005).

58.          Professional Java, JDK 5 Ed 2005.

59.          Professional JavaScript For Web Developers (2005).

60.          Programming Java 2 Micro Edition for Symbian OS 2004

61.          programming java using jbuilder 2001.

62.          Programming Spiders Bots and Aggregators in Java 2002.

63.          QuickTime for Java A Developers Notebook 2005.

64.          Servlet API Quick Reference - Java Servlet Programming  2000.

65.          Servlets and JavaServer Pages The J2EE Technology Web Tier 2004

66.          Swing 1998

67.          Swing Hacks - Tips.

68.          The Art of Java 2003.

69.          The Definitive Guide to Building Java Robots 2005.

70.          The enterprise java beans.

71.          The Java Enterprise CD Bookshelf v1.0 2000 (HTML).

72.          The Java Programming Language, 4th Edition (2005).

73.          Using and Understanding Java Data Objects 2003.

74.          Using Enterprise JavaBeans 2.0 2002.

75.          Using Java 2 Standard Ed 2001.

76.          Using uml for modeling a distributed java application 1997.

77.          Wiley.Computer.Graphics.for.Java.Programmers.2nd.Edition.Mar.



Beginning Cryptography With Java, 2005.
Better, Faster, Lighter Java, 2004.
Beyond Java, 2005.
Covert Java - Techniques For Decompiling, Patching, And Reverse Engineering, 2004
Hardcore Java, 2004.
Inside Java 2 Platform Security, 2003.
Java Concurrency In Practice, 2006.
Java Extreme Programming Cookbook, 2003
Java Network Programming, 3rd Edition, 2004.
Java Puzzlers - Traps, Pitfalls, And Corner Cases, 2005.
Java Reflection in Action, 2005.
JRuby on Rails, 2007.
Pro JSF and Ajax, 2007.
Scripting in Java, 2007.


Ant, In Action, 2007.
Ant, The Definite Guide, 2005.
Pro Apache Ant, 2006.


Beginning JBoss Seam, 2007.
Java EE 5 with Glassfish Application Server, 2007.
Practical JBoss Seam Projects, 2007.
Pro Apache Tomcat 6, 2007.
Tomcat, The Definitive Guide, 2008.


Algorithms In Java, Part 5, 2002.
Algorithms In Java, Parts 1-4, 2002.
Java Generics And Collections, 2006.


Antipatterns, 2006.
Applied Java Patterns, 2001.
Concurrent Programming in Java, Design Patterns, 1999.
Design Patterns Explained, 2000.
Design Patterns Workbook, 2002.
Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Code, 1995.
J2EE Design Patterns, 2003.
Pattern Language for Parallel Programming, 2004.
Patterns in Java, 2002.
Unknown Patterns.


Contributing to Eclipse, 2003.
Eclipse Cookbook, 2004.
Eclipse Distilled, 2005.
Eclipse Rich Client Platform, 2005.
Eclipse Web Tools Platform, 2007.
Eclipse, Building Commercial-Quality Plug-ins, 2006.
Official Eclipse 3 FAQs.
Pocket Reference, Eclipse IDE, 2005.
Professional Eclipse 3, For Java Developers, 2005.


Agile Java Development With Spring, Hibernate, And Eclipse, 
Art Of Java Web Development, 2004.
Beginning Spring 2, 2008.
Core JavaServer Faces, 2007.
Definite Guide to Grails, 2006.
Effective Enterprise Java, 2004.
Enterprise JavaBeans, 4th Edition, 2004.
Java EE And .NET Interoperability, 2006.
Java Enterprise In A Nutshell, 2005.
Java Message Service, 2001.
Java Servlet and JSP Cookbook, 2004.
Java Web Development using Hibernate, JSP and Servlets, 2007.
Pro Ajax and Java Frameworks, 2006.
Pro Spring, 2005.


Definite ANTLR Reference, 2007.
Foundations of Object-Oriented Languages, 2002.
Java After Hours 10 Projects You'll Never Do at Work, 2005.
Java Job Interview Companion, 2005.
Java Phrasebook, 2006.
JUnit Recipes, 2005.
Mac OS X For Java Geeks, 2003.
Object Oriented Programming Languages, Interpretation, 2007.
Object-Oriented Software Construction.
UML 2.0 in a Nutshell, 2005.
User Interface Design for Programmers, 2001.


Apache Derby, Off to the Races, 2005.
Beginning Hibernate, 2006.
Java Persistence with Hibernate, 2007.


Beginning POJOs, 2006.
Core Java 2 Volume I, 2004.
Core Java 2 Volume II, 2004.
Introduction To Computing And Programming With Java - A 

Multimedia Approach, 2006.
Java 1.5, A Developer's Notebook, 2004.
Java 6 Platform Revealed, 2006.
Java Cookbook, 2004.
Java IO, 2006.
Java Precisely, 2002.
Java, How To Program, 2004.
Java, Java, Java - Object-Oriented Problem Solving, 2005.
Learning Java, 2005.


Developing Games In Java, 2003.
Filthy Rich Clients, 2007.
Intro to Computer Graphics, Undergraduate, Java, 2008.
Java Swing, 2nd Edition, 2002.
Killer Game Programming In Java, 2005.
Software Visualization, 2007.
Swing Hacks, 2005.
SWT A Developers Notebook, 2004.
SWT and JFace in Action, 2005.


Inside the Java Virtual Machine, 1997.
Java and the JVM, 2001.
Java Language Specification, 3rd Edition, 2005.
JVM Instruction Reference (draft).

Programming for the Java Virtual Machine, 1999.


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The BIBLE* Book of Vedas* Ethics Politics - by Aristrotle* Conversations with God* Complete Book Of Yoga- Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Raja Yoga And Jnana Yoga by swami Vivekananda* My Experiments with Truth - by MohanDas Karamchand Gandhi* Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru* Githaanjali - By Ravindranath Tagore* Hari Prasad Chowrasia - The romance of Bamboo Reed* Wings of Fire - by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam* Autobiography of Unknown Indian* I Dare - by Kiran Bedi* Music of India* The God of Small Things - by Arundathi Roy* Malgudi Days - by R.K.Narayan* White Tiger - by Aravind Adiga* A Night at the call center - by Chetan Bhagath* 3 Mistakes of my Life - by Chetan Bhagath* Chowranghee - by Sankar* Jhumpa Lahiri* Water* Saraswati Park* KAMASUTRA - Science of Art of Making Love - From India* The Great Indian Novel - by Shashi Tharoor*  Magical Indian Myths* A story from a fan about Sachin Tendulkar - Indian Cricket Sports Celebrity* Stay Hungry - Stay Poor* One Indian Girl* A Passage to INDIA The RED BOOK - QUOTATIONS FROM MAO_THE GREAT CHINESE HERO* The Measure of a Man - A Spiritual Autobiography - By Sidney Poitier  I am Okay ~ You are Okay* Who Moved my Cheeze* Speed of thought - Bill Gates* * IWOZ* IBM - WHO SAYS ELEPHANTS CANT DANCE* What they don't teach you at Harvard School* Business Stripped Bare* The FOUNTAIN HEAD* Joan of Arc* Fall of Giants* The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho* The Perfect Mile* The Heart of a Champion by Bob Richard* I know Why Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou* The Empty Family* Mr Chatwell* Hand Me Down World* FOSTER* And the land lay still* And the world changed* LET THE RIGHT ONE IN* The American Brat by Bapsi Sidwa* Cracking india by Bapsi Sidwa* The Pakistani Bride by Bapsi Sidwa* Songs of Blood and Sword by Fathima Bhutto* Bookless in Baghdad by Shashi Tharoor* Ethics Politics - by Aristrotle* Conversations with God* Complete Book Of Yoga- Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Raja Yoga And Jnana Yoga by swami Vivekananda* My Experiments with Truth - by MohanDas Karamchand Gandhi* Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru* Githaanjali - By Ravindranath Tagore* Hari Prasad Chowrasia - The romance of Bamboo Reed* Wings of Fire - by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam* Autobiography of Unknown Indian* I Dare - by Kiran Bedi* Music of India* The God of Small Things - by Arundathi Roy* Malgudi Days - by R.K.Narayan* White Tiger - by Aravind Adiga* The BIBLE* Book of Vedas*
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21 Most Romantic Sentences From The World Of Literature

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ~Ernest Hemingway

For you and me, that’s the hardest part: to bleed.

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Source : Story Pick