
C# C++ C Sharp

Collection of   C# ... C Sharp  E-Books from MUTYALA VARU LIBRARY


1.         (Ebook - Pdf) - 70-316 Mcsd Mcad - Correctexams - Developing Windows
             Applications With C Sharp (Ver 6.0).

2.          (Ebook - Pdf) Msdn Training - Introduction To C Sharp Programming For
                The Microsoft .Net Platform.

3.          (Ebook - Pdf) Programming C Sharp, 2nd Edition (O'reilly).

4.          (Ebook Pdf) Deitel - C Sharp How To Program (Redistilled In One Book).

5.          (Ebook Pdf) Ms Press Programming Windows With C Sharp By Ch Petzold.

6.          (Ebook Pdf) Visual Studio C Sharp Book.

7.          (Ebook) C Sharp - Introduction To Design Pattern In C Sharp Vol_2 - Ibm.

8.          (Ebook) Professional C Sharp - Graphics With Gdi.

9.          (Ebook).Thinking.In.C Sharp.(Revision.1).

10.        (Ebook-.Net-C Sharp) C Sharp Com+ Programming .

11.         070-315 - Web Apps With C Sharp.

12.         070-316 - Windows Apps With C Sharp.

13.         070-320 - Web Services With C Sharp.

14.         2000 - Apress -  A Programmer's Introduction To C Sharp.

15.         2000 - Apress - A Programmer's Introduction To C Sharp.

16.         2000 - Ms - C Sharp Language Reference.

17.         2001 - Hm - C Sharp Com+ Programming.

18.         2001 - Msdn - C Sharp Essentials Of Object-Oriented Programming.

19.         2001 - O'Reilly - C Sharp Essentials 2nd Edition.

20.         2001 - O'reilly - Programming C Sharp.

21.         2002 - Apress - .Net Security.

22.         2002 - Apress - Advanced Net Remoting (C Sharp Edition).

23.         2002 - AW - C Sharp Developer's Guide to ASP.NET, XML, and

24.          2002 - Aw - C Sharp Primer, A Practical Approach.

25.          2002 - Hm - C Sharp, Your Visual Blueprint For Building .

26.          2002 - Ibm - Introduction To Design Patterns In C Sharp.

27.          2002 - Mcgraw - Advanced C Sharp Programming.

28.          2002 - Mh - Advanced C Sharp Programming.

29.          2002 - Microsoft - Programming Microsoft Windows With C Sharp.

30.          2002 - MS - Developing Windows-Based Applications with
                MS Visual Basic .NET and MS Visual C Sharp .NET.

31.          2002 - Ms - Ms Visual C Sharp Net.

32.          2002 - Msdn - Programming With C Sharp.

33.          2002 - O'reilly - C Sharp In A Nutshell.

34.          2002 - O'Reilly - C Sharp Language Pocket Reference.

35.          2002 - O'Reilly - Learning C Sharp1.

36.          2002 - Premier - Microsoft C Sharp Programming For The Absolute 

37.          2002 - Premier - MS C Sharp Programming for the Absolute Beginner.

38.          2002 - Sams - Teach Yourself C Sharp In 24 Hours.

39.          2002 - Syngress - C Sharp.Net Web Developers Guide.

40.          2002 - Wiley - C Sharp Bible.

41.          2002 - Wiley - Professional C Sharp, 2nd Edition.

42.          2002 - Wrox - C Sharp Today.

43.          2003 - AW - .NET - A Complete Development Cycle .

44.          2003 - AW - .NET for Java Developers - Migrating to C Sharp.

45.          2003 - Aw - Essential Asp Net With Examples In C Sharp.

46.          2003 - Aw - From Java To C Sharp - A Developer's Guide .

47.          2003 - Aw - The C Sharp Programming Language.

48.          2003 - Aw - Windows Forms Programming In C Sharp.

49.          2003 - Ms - Asp Net Programming With Visual C Sharp Net 2003
               Step By Step.

50.          2003 - Ms - Ms Visual C Sharp Net Step By Step - Version 2003.

51.          2003 - O'Reilly - C Sharp in a Nutshell, 2nd Edition.

52.          2003 - O'reilly - Programming C Sharp.

53.          2003 - Peachpit - C Sharp Web Development With Asp Net, Visual
               Quickstart Guide.

54.          2003 - Sams - Ms® Visual C Sharp Net 2003 Developer's Cookbook.

55.          2003 - Sybex - C Sharp Complete.

56.          2003 - Sybex - C Sharp Network Programming.

57.          2004 - Apress - C Sharp Threading Handbook.

58.          2004 - Ms - C Sharp Programmer's Cookbook.

59.          2004 - O'reilly - C Sharp Cookbook.

60.          2004 - Wiley - Wrox - Beginning Asp.Net 1.1 With Visual C Sharp.Net 2003.

61.          2004 - Wiley - Wrox - Professional CSharp 3rd Edition.

62.          2005 - Apress - Pro C Sharp 2005 And The .Net 2.0 Platform 3rd Edition.

63.          2005 - Ph - Core C Sharp And Net.

64.          2005 - Wiley - Professional .NET 2.0 Generics.

65.          2006 - Apress - Beginning Asp.Net 2.0 In C Sharp 2005 From Novice
                To Professional.

66.          2006 - Aw - Applying Domain-Driven Design And Patterns - With Examples
                In C Sharp And .Net.

67.          2006 - Aw - Essential C Sharp V2 0.

68.          2006 - AW - Hitchhiker's Guide to Visual Studio and SQL Server,
               7th Edition - Best Practice Architectures and Examples.

69.          2006 - O'Reilly - C Sharp Cookbook, 2nd Edition.

70.          2006 - Wiley -  Beginning Visual C Sharp 2005.

71.          2006 - Wiley - Beginning C Sharp 2005 Databases.

72.          2006 - Wiley - Wrox - Visual C Sharp 2005 Express Edition Starter Kit.

73.          70-305 70-315 Developing Web Applications With Visual Basic Net
                And Visual C Sharp Net - 2002.

74.          70-316 Testking.Developing.Windows.Applications.With.C Sharp(Ver2.0).

75.          [0735615683]Oop.With.Microsoft.Vb.Net.And.C Sharp.Step.By.Step.

76.          [193183654x]C Sharp For Java Programmers.

77.          [Ms Press] - Microsoft Ado.Net Step By Step (Vb.Net, C Sharp).

78.          Addison Wesley - C Sharp Design Patterns 301-424.

79.          Addison Wesley - Graphics Programming With C Sharp And Gdi+.

80.          Apress - A Programmer's Guide To Ado Net In C Sharp.

81.          Apress - Beginning ASP .NET 2.0 E-Commerce in C# 2005 - From Novice to
               Professional. 2005.

82.          Apress - C Sharp And The .Net Platform, 2nd Edition.

83.          Apress - C Sharp Class Design Handbook Coding Effective Classes (2003).

84.          Apress - C Sharp Programmers Handbook (2004).

85.          Apress - Database Programing With C Sharp.

86.          Apress - Dissecting A C Sharp Application Inside Sharpdevelop (2004).

87.          Apress - Net User Interfaces With C Sharp.

88.          Apress - Pro Asp.Net 2.0 In C Sharp.pdf

89.          Apress - Winform - Data Entry And Validation With C Sharp And Vb Net
               Windows Forms 2003.

90.          Apress.Accelerated.C.Sharp.2005.Aug.2006.

91.          Apress.Beginning.Asp.Net.2.0.E.Commerce.In.C.Sharp.2005.

92.          Asp Net Website Programming, C Sharp.

93.          Asp.Net - C Sharp.

94.          Aw - 2003 - Windows Forms Programming In C Sharp.

95.          Aw - 2004 - Effective C Sharp 50 Specific Ways To Improve.

96.          Aw - Net Compact Framework Programming With C Sharp.

97.          Beginning Asp Net 1.1 With Visual C Sharp Net 2003 (2004).

98.          Beginning C Sharp Objects - From Concepts To Code (Apress, 2004).

99.          Bruce Eckel & Larry O'brien - Thinking In C Sharp.

100.        Building An Online Shopping Cart Using C Sharp And Asp Net Part 1.

101.        Building An Online Shopping Cart Using C Sharp Part 2.

102.        C Sharp - Introduction To Design Pattern In C Sharp Vol_3 - Ibm.

103.        C Sharp 2.0 Practical Guide For Programmers.

104.        C Sharp 2005 for Dummies.

105.        C Sharp and .NET Framework  The C++ Perspective 2001.

106.        C Sharp And The .Net Platform.

107.        C Sharp Cookbook, 2nd Edition 2006.

108.        C Sharp Developer's Guide To Asp Net, Xml, And Ado Net.

109.        C Sharp Developer's Headstart [Mcgraw-Hill, 2001, 0-07-219108-2].

110.        C Sharp Essentials 2nd O'reilly 2001.

111.        C Sharp Network Programming.

112.        C Sharp Programmers Handbook 2004.

113.        C Sharp.Network.Programming.

114.        C Sharp.Vb.Net.Ms Press - Oop With Microsoft Vb.Net And
                C Sharp Step By Step.

115.        Computing With C Sharp And The Net Framework 2003.

116.        Correctexams Mcsd 070-320 Exam Xml Web Services And Server
                Components With C Sharp.Net V1-2003.

117.        Correctexams Microsoft 70-315 Mcsd Mcad Develop & Implement
               Web Apps With C Sharp Edt6.

118.        Creating Custom Net Controls With C Sharp.

119.        Data Structures And Algorithms With Object-Oriented Design Patterns
                In C Sharp.

120.        Developing A Universal Data Access Layer Leveraging Ado.Net,
                C Sharp And Factory Design Pattern.

121.        Developing And Implementing Web Applications With Visual C Sharp Net
               And Visual Studio Net Exam Cram 2 (Exam 70-315).

122.        Dissecting A C Sharp Application.

123.        Distributed Net Programming In C Sharp.

124.        Dot Net Remoting - [Ms Press] - Ms Net Remoting - (2003) –
               (Code Samples In C-Sharp).

125.        C Sharp.par2

126.        C Sharp.vol000+001.PAR2

127.        C Sharp.vol001+002.PAR2

128.        C Sharp.vol044+040.PAR2

129.        Exam 070-320 - Mcsd Mcad - Xml Webservices And Server Components
                With C Sharp .Net (V 6.0).

130.        Expert C Sharp 2005 Business Objects, 2nd Edition (2006).

131.        For Dummies - Visual Studio .Net C Sharp For Dummies 
               Quick Reference Guide.

132.        Gdi Programming - Creating Custom Controls Using C Sharp.

133.        Introduction To 3d Game Engine Design Using Directx 9 And C Sharp.

134.        Introduction To C Sharp Programming For The Microsoft .Net Platform.

135.        Learning C Sharp 2005, 2nd Edition (2006).

136.        Manning - Windows Forms Programming With C Sharp.

137.        Mastering Asp.Net With C Sharp.

138.        Mastering C Sharp Database Programming - Sybex.

139.        Mastering C Sharp Database Programming.

140.        Mcad Mcsd 70-305,70-315 Developing Web Apps With Vb Net &
               Visual C Sharp Net, 2nd Ed.

141.        Mcad Mcsd 70-306,70-316 Developing Windows-Based Apps With
                Vb Net & Visual C Sharp Net, 2nd Ed.

142.        Mcad Mcsd 70-310,70-320 Developing Xml Web Services & Server
                Components With Vb Net & Visual C Sharp Net.

143.        Mcgraw-Hill Visual C Sharp 2005 Demystified 282006 1 29.

144.        Microsoft C Sharp Programming For The Absolute Beginner (2002).

145.        Microsoft C Sharp Programming For The Absolute Beginner - Premier
                 Press - 2002.

146.        Moc 2555aMsdn_Training_Developing_Microsoft®_.Net_
                Applications_For_Windows®_(Visual_C Sharp)

147.        Ms Press 2002 - Oop With Microsoft Vb.Net And C Sharp Step By Step

148.        Ms Press Extreme Programming Adventures In C Sharp

149.        Ms Press Programming Ms Visual C Sharp 2005
               The Language Jan 2006 Internal

150.        Ms Visual C Sharp 2005 Step-By-Step (2005)

151.        O'reilly - C Sharp And Vb Net Conversion Pocket Reference (2002)

152.        O'reilly - C Sharp And Vb Net Conversion Pocket Reference 2002

153.        O'reilly Linq The Future Of Data Access In C Sharp 3 0 Oct 2006

154.        Oreilly Programming C Sharp 2nd

155.        Prentice Hall - Application Development Using C Sharp And .Net (2001)

156.        Prentice Hall - C Sharp How To Program (2001)

157.        Prentice Hall - Thinking In C Sharp (2002)

158.        Pro .Net 2.0 Code And Design Standards In C Sharp, 3rd Edition (2006)

159.        Pro Asp.Net In C Sharp 2005

160.        Pro C Sharp 2005 And The .Net 2.0 Platform (Apress, 3rd Ed)

161.        Pro C Sharp And The .Net 2.0 Platform, 3rd Edition (2005)

162.        Programming C Sharp (2001)

163.        Programming C Sharp 4th 2005

164.        Programming C Sharp 4th edition 2005

165.        Programming Microsoft Windows With C Sharp (2002)

166.        Sams - Teach Yourself The C Sharp Language In 21 Days

167.        Sitepoint.Build.Your.Own.Asp.Net.2.0.Web.Site.Using.C.Sharp.And.

168.        Visual C Sharp .Net Developer's Handbook (2002)

169.        Visual C Sharp .Net Programming (2002)

170.        Visual C Sharp 2005 - How To Program, 2nd Edition (2005)

171.        Visual C Sharp 2005, A Developer's Notebook (Liberty)

172.        Wiley - C Sharp Bible




               PROGRAMMING - CODE

4.            Addison Wesley - From Java to C Sharp A Developers Guide

5.            Addison.Wesley-Building.Solutions.with.the.Microsoft.NET.Compact.

6.            Apress-Beginning.CSharp.Objects.From.Concepts.to.Code-2004

7.            C#-Programming Ebooks Collection

8.            CaliberRMSDK60

9.            Charles Petzold - Programming Microsoft Windows with C#

10.          Chat

11.          CoolLayout.NET

12.          CopyRightJOD

13.          CylinderTrackBar

14.          List

15.          MSPress-Programming Microsoft Windows with C# -Charles Petzold

16.          MusicMakerRTM

17.          O'Reilly - NET framework essential

18.          O'Reilly - Programming C# 2nd Edition

19.          OReilly - Programming Web Services with Soap

20.          Petzold Programming Windows With C# Examples Cd

21.          Sams - Managed DirectX 9 Kick Start - Graphics And Game Programming

22.          ShapedFormB2

23.          SharpChess_Source_v0790

24.          Syngress - C# for Java Programmers

25.          TEKST

26.          TVS_2_SETUP

27.          Visual Studio .NET C# Study Guide

28.          Web udvikling med Visual Studio

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The BIBLE* Book of Vedas* Ethics Politics - by Aristrotle* Conversations with God* Complete Book Of Yoga- Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Raja Yoga And Jnana Yoga by swami Vivekananda* My Experiments with Truth - by MohanDas Karamchand Gandhi* Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru* Githaanjali - By Ravindranath Tagore* Hari Prasad Chowrasia - The romance of Bamboo Reed* Wings of Fire - by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam* Autobiography of Unknown Indian* I Dare - by Kiran Bedi* Music of India* The God of Small Things - by Arundathi Roy* Malgudi Days - by R.K.Narayan* White Tiger - by Aravind Adiga* A Night at the call center - by Chetan Bhagath* 3 Mistakes of my Life - by Chetan Bhagath* Chowranghee - by Sankar* Jhumpa Lahiri* Water* Saraswati Park* KAMASUTRA - Science of Art of Making Love - From India* The Great Indian Novel - by Shashi Tharoor*  Magical Indian Myths* A story from a fan about Sachin Tendulkar - Indian Cricket Sports Celebrity* Stay Hungry - Stay Poor* One Indian Girl* A Passage to INDIA The RED BOOK - QUOTATIONS FROM MAO_THE GREAT CHINESE HERO* The Measure of a Man - A Spiritual Autobiography - By Sidney Poitier  I am Okay ~ You are Okay* Who Moved my Cheeze* Speed of thought - Bill Gates* * IWOZ* IBM - WHO SAYS ELEPHANTS CANT DANCE* What they don't teach you at Harvard School* Business Stripped Bare* The FOUNTAIN HEAD* Joan of Arc* Fall of Giants* The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho* The Perfect Mile* The Heart of a Champion by Bob Richard* I know Why Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou* The Empty Family* Mr Chatwell* Hand Me Down World* FOSTER* And the land lay still* And the world changed* LET THE RIGHT ONE IN* The American Brat by Bapsi Sidwa* Cracking india by Bapsi Sidwa* The Pakistani Bride by Bapsi Sidwa* Songs of Blood and Sword by Fathima Bhutto* Bookless in Baghdad by Shashi Tharoor* Ethics Politics - by Aristrotle* Conversations with God* Complete Book Of Yoga- Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Raja Yoga And Jnana Yoga by swami Vivekananda* My Experiments with Truth - by MohanDas Karamchand Gandhi* Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru* Githaanjali - By Ravindranath Tagore* Hari Prasad Chowrasia - The romance of Bamboo Reed* Wings of Fire - by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam* Autobiography of Unknown Indian* I Dare - by Kiran Bedi* Music of India* The God of Small Things - by Arundathi Roy* Malgudi Days - by R.K.Narayan* White Tiger - by Aravind Adiga* The BIBLE* Book of Vedas*
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