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ᐅWeb Designing E-books HTM- CSS collections
Web Designing E-books HTM- CSS collections
1. A Book Apart Publishing HTML5 for Web Designers (2010).
2. Addison-Wesley HTML5 Developer’s Cookbook (2012).
3. Addison-Wesley HTML5 Guidelines for Web Developers (2011).
4. Addison-Wesley Learning HTML5 Game Programming, A Hands-on Guide to Building Online Games
Using Canvas SVG and WebGL (2012).
5. Adobe Press Dreamweaver CS5.5, Designing and Developing for Mobile with jQuery HTML5 and
CSS3 (2011).
6. Apress Beginning Android Web Apps Development, Develop for Android using HTML5 CSS3 and
Javascript (2012).
7. Apress Beginning HTML5 and CSS3 (2012).
8. Apress Beginning iPhone and iPad Web Apps, Scripting with HTML5 CSS3 and JavaScript (2010).
9. Apress Beginning Nokia Apps Development, Qt and HTML5 for Symbian and MeeGo (2010).
10. Apress Beginning PhoneGap, Mobile Web Framework for JavaScript and HTML5 (2012).
11. Apress Beginning WebGL for HTML5 (2012).
12. Apress Foundation HTML5 Animation with JavaScript (2011).
13. Apress Foundation HTML5 Canvas, For Games and Entertainment (2011).
14. Apress Foundation HTML5 with CSS3 (2012).
15. Apress Foundation Website Creation with HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript (2012).
16. Apress HTML5 Advertising (2013).
17. Apress HTML5 and JavaScript Projects (2011).
18. Apress HTML5 Games Most Wanted, Build the Best HTML5 Games (2012).
19. Apress HTML5 Mastery, Semantics Standards and Styling (2011).
20. Apress HTML5 Programming for ASP.NET Developers (2012).
21. Apress HTML5 Solutions, Essential Techniques for HTML5 Developers (2011).
22. Apress Learn GameSalad for iOS, Game Development for iPhone iPad and HTML5 (2012).
23. Apress Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for Android (2012).
24. Apress Learn HTML5 and JavaScript for iOS (2012).
25. Apress Metro Revealed, Building Windows 8 Apps with HTML5 and JavaScript (2012).
26. Apress Practical HTML5 Projects (2012).
27. Apress Pro Android Web Apps, Develop for Android Using HTML5 CSS3 and JavaScript (2011).
28. Apress Pro Android Web Game Apps, Using HTML5 CSS3 and JavaScript (2012).
29. Apress Pro HTML5 Accessibility, Building an Inclusive Web (2012).
30. Apress Pro HTML5 and CSS3 Design Patterns (2011).
31. Apress Pro HTML5 Games (2012).
32. Apress Pro HTML5 Performance (2012).
33. Apress Pro HTML5 Programming 2nd (2011).
34. Apress Pro HTML5 Programming, Powerful APIs for Richer Internet Application Development
35. Apress Pro HTML5 with Visual Studio 2012 (2012).
36. Apress Pro iOS Web Design and Development, HTML5 CSS3 and JavaScript with Safari (2011).
37. Apress Pro Windows 8 Development with HTML5 and JavaScript (2012).
38. Apress The Definitive Guide to HTML5 (2011).
39. Apress The Definitive Guide to HTML5 Video (2010).
40. Apress The Essential Guide to HTML5 and CSS3 Web Design (2012).
41. Apress The Essential Guide to HTML5, Using Games to Learn HTML5 and JavaScript (2010).
42. Apress Web Standards, Mastering HTML5 CSS3 and XML (2011).
43. CreateSpace Publishing The Truth about HTML5 (2012).
44. Focal Press Building Websites with HTML5 to Work with Mobile Phones (2011).
45. Focal Press HTML5, Designing Rich Internet Applications (2010).
46. Focal Press Rendering HTML5 Illustration (2010).
47. Manning Hello HTML5 and CSS3, A User Friendly Reference Guide (2013).
48. Microsoft Press HTML5, Step by Step (2011).
49. Microsoft Press Start Here, Learn HTML5 (2013).
50. New Riders Publishing Introducing HTML5 (2011).
51. New Riders Publishing Introducing HTML5 2nd (2012).
52. OReilly Building Hypermedia APIs with HTML5 and Node (2012).
53. OReilly Creating HTML5 Animations with Flash and Wallaby (2011).
54. OReilly Head First HTML5 Programming (2011).
55. OReilly HTML5 and JavaScript Web Apps (2013).
56. OReilly HTML5 Architecture (2012) [beta release].
57. OReilly HTML5 Canvas, Native Interactivity and Animation for the Web (2011).
58. OReilly HTML5 Cookbook (2011).
59. OReilly HTML5 for Publishers (2011).
60. OReilly HTML5 Geolocation (2011).
61. OReilly HTML5 Hacks (2013).
62. OReilly HTML5 Media (2011).
63. OReilly HTML5, The Missing Manual (2011).
64. OReilly HTML5, Up and Running (2010).
65. OReilly Introducing HTML5 Game Development (2012).
66. OReilly Making Isometric Social Real-Time Games with HTML5 CSS3 and Javascript (2011).
67. OReilly Programming HTML5 Applications (2011).
68. OReilly Supercharged JavaScript Graphics, With HTML5 Canvas and jQuery (2011).
69. OReilly Using the HTML5 Filesystem API (2011).
70. OReilly What Is HTML5 (2011).
71. Packt Publishing Dreamweaver CS5.5 Mobile and Web Development with HTML5, CSS3 and jQuery
72. Packt Publishing HTML5 Boilerplate Web Development (2012).
73. Packt Publishing HTML5 Canvas Cookbook (2011).
74. Packt Publishing HTML5 Games Development by Example, Beginner's Guide (2011).
75. Packt Publishing HTML5 Graphing and Data Visualization Cookbook (2012).
76. Packt Publishing HTML5 Mobile Development Cookbook (2012).
77. Packt Publishing HTML5 Multimedia Development Cookbook (2011).
78. Packt Publishing HTML5 Video How-To (2012).
79. Packt Publishing Instant Migration to HTML5 and CSS3 How-to (2013).
80. Packt Publishing Responsive Web Design with HTML5 and CSS3 (2012).
81. Peachpit Press HTML5 Multimedia, Develop and Design (2012).
82. Peachpit Press Visual QuickStart Guide HTML5 and CSS3 7th (2012).
83. Pragmatic Bookshelf Publishing HTML5 and CSS3, Develop with Tomorrow's Standards Today
84. Prentice Hall Core HTML5 Canvas, Graphics Animation and Game Development (2012).
85. Rockable Press Decoding HTML5 (2012).
86. SAMS Teach Yourself HTML5 in 10 Minutes (2011).
87. SAMS Teach Yourself HTML5 Mobile Application Development in 24 Hours (2012).
88. SitePoint HTML5 and CSS3 for the Real World (2011).
89. Wiley HTML5 Digital Classroom (2011).
90. Wiley HTML5 for Dummies Quick Reference (2011).
91. Wiley HTML5 Games, Creating Fun with HTML5 CSS3 and WebGL (2012).
92. Wiley HTML5, Your Visual Blueprint for Designing Rich Web Pages and Applications (2012).
93. Wiley Smashing HTML5 (2011).
94. Wiley Teach Yourself VISUALLY HTML5 (2011).
95. Wrox Press HTML5 24-Hour Trainer (2011).
96. Wrox Press Professional HTML5 Mobile Game Development (2012).
2. 106 visual basic ebooks.docx
3. A programmers introduction to VB.NET
4. Absolute Beginners Guide to VBA 2004
5. Advanced MS VB 6.0 2nd ed 1998
6. Ajax For Dummies (2006)
7. An Introduction to Programming Using
Visual Basic 2005 6th Ed
8. Application Development Using Visual
Basic and .NET
9. Beginning ASP.NET Databases using
VB.NET 2002
10. Beginning Database Design (2006)
11. Beginning Object Oriented Programming
with VB 2005 From Novice to
Professional 2006
12. Beginning VB 6 Databases 2003
13. Beginning Visual Basic 2005 (2006)
14. Beginning Visual Basic 2005
15. Beginning Visual Basic 6 2003
16. Beginning Visual Basic 6 Application
Development 2003
17. Beginning Visual Basic 6 Database
Programming 2002
18. Beginning Visual Basic 6 Objects 2003
19. C Sharp and VB.NET Conversion Pocket
Reference 2002
20. COM Visual Basic 6 Programmers
Introduction to COM 2003
21. Data Entry and Validation with C Sharp
and VB .net Windows Forms 2003
22. Data Entry and Validation with C Sharp
and VB .NET Windows Forms 2003
23. Desktop Applications with Microsoft
Visual Basic 6.0 MCSD Training
Kit.70-176 1999
24. Developing XML Web Services and Server
Components with VB NET &
Visual C Sharp NET 2003
25. Distributed Applications with Microsoft
Visual Basic 6.0 MS
26. eMbedded Visual Basic Windows CE and
Pocket PC Mobile Applications
27. Learning Visual Basic .NET 2003
28. Managing Windows with VBScript and WMI
29. Mastering Visual Basic .NET (2002)
30. Mastering Visual Basic .NET 2002
31. MCAD MCSD Visual Basic .net XML Web
Services And Server
Components Study Guide 2003
32. Microsoft Access 2000 Visual Basic for
Application Fundamentals
33. Microsoft Excel VBA Programming for the
Absolute Beginner 2002
34. Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express
Edition - Build a Program Now
35. Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Express
Edition Programming for the
Absolute Beginner
36. Microsoft Visual Basic 2005 Step By
Step 2006
37. MS Office 2k Visual Basic for
Applications Fundamentals
38. Network programming .NET with C Sharp
and VB.NET 2004
39. O'Reilly - Object-Oriented Programming
with Visual Basic.NET
40. O'Reilly - VB.NET Core Classes in a
41. O'Reilly - VB.NET Language in a
Nutshell 2nd Edition
42. O'Reilly - VB.NET Language Pocket
43. O'Reilly - XML in a Nutshell 2nd Edition
44. O'Reilly - XML Pocket Reference 2nd
45. O'Reilly - XML Schema
46. Object-Oriented Programming with Visual
Basic.NET 2003
47. OOP with Microsoft Visual Basic .NET
and Microsoft Visual C Sharp Step
By Step 2002
48. Peer-To-Peer With VB NET 2003
49. Professional VB 2005 2006
50. Professional Visual Basic 5.0 Business
Objects 1997
51. Professional Visual Basic 6 Business
Objects 2003
52. Professional Visual Basic 6 Code 2002
53. Professional Visual Basic 6 Databases
54. Professional Visual Basic 6 Distributed
Objects 2003
55. Professional Visual Basic 6 MTS
Programming 2003
56. Professional Visual Basic 6 Project
Management 2003
57. Professional Visual Basic 6 Web
Programming 2003
58. Professional Visual Studio 2005 Team
59. Programming Dist Applications with COM
and MS VB6 1998
60. Programming Excel with VBA and .NET
61. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 2005
- The Language
62. Programming Microsoft Visual Basic 6.0
63. Programming VB .NET 2002
64. Programming Visual Basic .NET 2nd Ed
65. Programming Visual Basic for Palm OS
66. Programming Visual Basic NET 2002
67. Sams Teach Yourself Visual Basic 2008
in 24 Hrs.PlentyofeBooks.net.rar
68. Security For Microsoft Visual Basic NET
69. Special Edition Using Microsoft Visual
Basic .NET 2002
70. Teach Yourself Visual Basic 6 in 21
Days 2004
71. The Book of Visual Basic 2005 - .NET
Insight for Classic VB Developers
72. Total Visual Basic Sourcebook 6 1998
Microsoft(serial in NFO)
73. VB & VBA in a Nutshell 1998
74. VB.NET Core Classes in a Nutshell 2002
75. VB.NET Language In A Nutshell 2nd Ed
76. VB.NET Language Pocket Reference 2002
77. VB.NET Mastering vb.net database
programming 2002
78. VB.NET Syngress Developers guide 2001
79. VB6 UML Design and Development 2003
80. VB6 Win32 API Tutorial 2003
81. VBA WRD 9 2000
82. VBA XL 9 2000
83. VBScript In A Nutshell 2nd Ed 2003
84. VBScript Language Reference 1997
85. VBScript Unleashed 1999 (HTML)
86. visual basic .net black
87. Visual Basic .NET How to Program 2E
88. Visual Basic .NET Language in a
Nutshell 2001
89. Visual Basic .NET Power Coding 2003
90. Visual Basic .NET Power Tools (2004)
91. Visual Basic .NET Power Tools 2004
92. Visual Basic .NET Unleashed 2002
93. Visual Basic 2005 Database Programming
94. Visual Basic 2005 Database Programming
95. Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition
Starter Kit (2006)
96. Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition
Starter Kit 2006 [SAMPLE FILES]
97. Visual Basic 2005 Express Edition
Starter Kit 2006
98. Visual Basic 2005 For Dummies (2006)
99. Visual Basic 2005 For Dummies 2006
100. Visual Basic 2005 In A Nutshell, 3rd
Edition (2006)
101. Visual Basic 2005 In A Nutshell, 3rd
Edition 2006
102. Visual Basic 2005 Jumpstart (2005)
103. Visual Basic 2005 Jumpstart 2005
104. Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's
Reference (2005)
105. Visual Basic 2005 Programmer's
Reference 2005
106. Visual Basic 6 - Programming Concepts
107. Visual Basic 6 - Special Edition 1998
108. Visual Basic 6 - The Complete Reference
109. Visual Basic 6 Black Book 1998
110. Visual Basic 6 Black Book 2001
111. Visual Basic 6 Black Book
112. Visual Basic 6 Database How-To 1999
113. Visual Basic 6 Programming Blue Book
1998 (HTML)
114. Visual Basic Blackbook 1998
115. Visual Basic Conceptual Topics
116. Visual Basic Databases
117. Visual Basic Design Patterns VB 6 0 and
VB NET 2002
118. Visual Basic How-To Topics
119. Visual Basic Language Reference 1
120. Visual Basic Language Reference 2
121. Visual Basic Language Reference 3
122. Visual Basic Microsoft Graph Objects
123. Visual Basic Microsoft Office Reference
124. Visual Basic Programming for the
Absolute Beginner 2001
125. Visual Basic Programming in 12 Easy
Lessons 1998(HTML)
126. Visual Basic User Interface Help
127. Visual C Sharp .NET A Guide for VB6
Developers 2002
128. Windows Forms Programming in Visual
Basic .NET 2004
129. Writing Excel Macros with VBA 2nd Ed
130. XML 1.1 Bible, 3rd Edition (2004)
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21 Most Romantic Sentences From The World Of Literature
There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ~Ernest Hemingway
For you and me, that’s the hardest part: to bleed.
But for these authors, weaving beautiful words into heart-touching romance comes naturally. Come, fall in love…with words.
Because other than your partner, only a writer can give you a rapidly pumping heart out of love.
Source : Story Pick