1. Ashoka
2. Birbal The Initmitable
3. Birbal The Witty
4. Chhatrasal
5. Dasaratha
6. Dasha Avatar
7. Draupadi
8. Golden Sand
9. Harischandra
10. Hitopadesha
11. Jataka Tales-Monkey Stories
12. Kesari The Flying Thief
13. Krishna
14. Nachiketa Tales Frm Upanishads
15. Parasurama
16. Ranadhira
17. Sahasramalla
18. The Learned Pandit And Other Tales
19. The Magic Grove
20. Jesus Christ.
21. Subhas Chandra Bose.
22. Krishna_1967.
23. Amrapali And Upagupta.
24. Buddha.
25. Elephanta.
26. Gandhari.
27. Megasthenes.
28. Padmini.
29. Ramana Maharshi.
30. Rani Of Jhansi.
31. Chandrashekhar Azad.
32. Vivekananda.
33. Sridutta.
34. The Sons Of Rama -LMP.
35. Kannappa.
36. The Celestial Necklace.
37. Sukhu & Dukhu.
38. Raman The Matchless Wit.
39. Gopal The Jester.
40. Mandukka - The Lucky Astrologer.
41. The Pious Cat And Other Tales.
42. The Bridegroom's Ring.
43. The Acrobat And Other Buddhist Tales.
44. Krishna And Rukmini-A.
45. Pareekshit-A.
46. The Ancestors Of Rama-A.
47. Garuda-A.
48. Panchatantra How The Jackal Ate The Elephant-A.
49. Hitopdesha How Friends Are Parted-A.
50. Velu Thampi-A.
51. Kartikeya-A.
52. Ramayana.
53. Nagananda.
54. Mystery Of The Missing Gifts.
55. The Sons Of Rama.
56. Shiva Parvati.
57. Tales Of Durga.
58. Karna.
59. Shivaji (SR).
60. Vasavadatta (Standard Resolution).
61. Harsha-The Great Ruler Of Thaneshwar..
62. Valmiki.
63. Drona.
64. Adi Shankara.
65. Tukaram.
66. Agastya.
67. Kannagi.
68. Narsinh Mehta.
69. Jasma Of Odes.
70. Raj Singh.
71. Pradyumna.
72. Tachcholi Othenan.
73. Dhruva And Ashtavakra.
74. Babur.
75. Panchatantra - The Brahmin & The Goat.
76. Vivekananda.
77. Madhvacharya.
78. Manonmani.
79. Tales Of Yudhishthira.
80. Tiruppan And Kanakadasa.
81. Hothal.
82. Ramanuja.
83. The Giant & The Dwarf - A Jataka Tale.
84. Tales Of Shivaji.
85. The Taming Of Gulla.
86. Thanedar Hasan Askari.
87. The Elusive Kaka.
88. Senapati Bapat.
89. The Story Of A Scientist - Y. Subba Row.
90. Kunwar Singh.
91. Ashwins To The Rescue.
92. Chandrapeeda And Other Tales Of Kashmir.
93. Shrenik And The Hidden Truth (Jaina Tales).
94. Jagadis Chandra Bose.
95. Tales Of Avvaiyaar.
96. Tapati-The Daughter Of The Sun God.
97. Rajbala.
98. Vidyut Chora.
99. Mangal Pande.
100. The Legend Of Lalitaditya.
101. Deshbandhu Chittaranjan Das.
102. The Legend Of Maarthaanda Varma.
103. Guru Ravidas.
104. The March To Freedom - 2 [A Nation Awakes].
105. Jallianwalla Bagh.
106. The March To Freedom - 3
(The Saga Of Indian Revolutionaries).
107. The Priceless Jem - A Jataka Tale.
108. The Nawab's Diwan And Other Tamil Tales.
109. Shringabhuja.
110. Pulakeshi II.
111. The King In A Parrot's Body.
112. Bumper Issue 30- Part1 (218 (574)
Jataka Tales - The Magic Chant).
113. Bumper Issue 30- Part2 (118 (664)
King Kusha - A Buddhist Tale).
114. Bumper Issue 30- Part3 (224(619)
Jataka Tales - Nandi Vishala).
115. Bumper Issue 30-Jataka Tales- The Rightful King
And Other Stories- Part 1.
116. Bumper Issue 30-Jataka Tales- The Rightful King
& Other Stories- Part 2.
117. Bumper Issue 30-Jataka Tales- The Rightful King
& Other Stories- Part 3.
118. Amar Chitra Katha-Vol 37-Ashoka.English..{Desi8389}.
119. Amar Chitra Katha-Vol 508-Chanakya..{Desi8389}.
120. Amar Chitra Katha-Vol 619-Jataka Tales-Nandi
Vishala & Other Stories.English..{Desi8389}.
121. Bhagawat The Krishna Avatar 1
(Krishna – The Darling Of Gokul).
122. Bhagawat The Krishna Avatar 2
(Krishna – The Subduer Of Kaliya).
123. Bhagawat The Krishna Avatar 3
(Krishna – The Upholder Of Govardhana).
124. Bhagawat The Krishna Avatar 4
(Krishna – Victory Over Kamsa).
125. Bhagawat The Krishna Avatar 5
(Krishna – The Lord Of Dwaraka).
126. Bhagawat The Krishna Avatar 6
(Krishna – The Enchanter).
127. Bhagawat The Krishna Avatar 7
(Krishna – The Victorious).
128. Bhagawat The Krishna Avatar 8
(Krishna - An Ally Of Pandavas).
129. Bhagawat The Krishna Avatar 9
(Krishna – The Saviour).
130. Great Sanskrit Plays 1
(#205 (#643) Ratnavali).
131. Great Sanskrit Plays 2
(#70 (#657) Vasantasena).
132. Great Sanskrit Plays 3
(#125 (#621) Udayana).
133. More Tales From The Jatakas 1
(#342 (625) Battle Of Wits).
134. More Tales From The Jatakas 2
(#400 (665) The Deadlyfeast).
135. More Tales From The Jatakas 3
(#264 (617) The Hidden Treasure).