


1.  The Japanese Fighting Arts - Karate, Aikido, Kendo, Judo

2.  A Samurai and a Zen Master and other stories

3.  Dragon's Touch (exerpt) - Hei Long - Paladin Press

4.  Hand To Hand Fighting - Karate, Tae Kwon Do - ST 31-204

5.  Hit em hard - Ju-Jitsu and Other Methods of Defense 
     Simplified - Tommy Turner

6.  Iaido - Training

7.  Iaido hand book

8.  Katana

9.  Book of the Samurai

10.  Hagakure - The Way of the Samurai

11.  Ninjitsu - M.E. Peters - Knife Throwing Techniques of the Ninja

12.  Reishiki in Iaido

13.  Samurai Heraldry

14.  Secret Of KI - End Of Injury

15.  What Is Self-Defense - Kenpo Kempo Jiu Jitsu - Kosho Ryu

16.  ZEN - The Religion of the Samurai

17.  Zen And The Martial Arts

18.  Ninja Hands of Death - Ashida Kim

19.  Ninja Mind Control- Ashida Kim

20.  Secrets Of The Ninja- Good Ninjitsu Book By Ashida Kim



1.  Krav Maga - Hand Combat And Pressure Points

2.  Krav Maga - Imi Sde-Or & Eyal Yanilov (German)

3.  Krav Maga - Israeli Martial Arts

4.  Krav Maga - The Official Israeli Self

5.  Krav Maga - Groundfighting

6.  KravMaga - Handcombat



1.  ABS

2.  ARMS








10.  GRIP














1.  ABS

1.  6 Minute Abs

2.  Flatten Your Abs

3.  How to Get the Ultimate 6 Pack

4.  How to Have Hard Abs

5.  Posture and Core Conditioning

6.  Six Pack Abs Revealed

7.  The Secrets of Awesome Abs

8.  The Truth About Six Pack Abs

9.  Top Secret to Six Pack Abs

10.  Turbulence Training Abs

11.  Ultimate Sixpack

2.  ARMS

1.  3 Minute Arms

2.  31 Days To Bigger Arms

3.  Pumped Arms

4.  Ultimate Guide to Massive Arms


1.  Abs Training

2.  Back Training

3.  Biceps Training

4.  Body For Life

5.  Chest Training

6.  Leg Training

7.  Shoulders Training

8.  Triceps Training


1.  Dinosaur Bodyweight Training

2.  The Dinosaur Strength Training Notebook


  • Muscle Revolution


  • No Holds Barred Interview
  • The Poliquin Principles


  • Jekyll Hyde
  • The Black Book of Training Secrets 
  • Theory and Application of Modern Strength and Power Methods


1.  Dirty Dieting Newsletter

2.  Isocaloric Handbook

3.  Opus-1-8

4.  Opus-18-26

5.  Opus-31-41

6.  Opus-42-48

7.  Opus-9-17

8.  Opus-Contents

9.  Underground Bodyopus 5

10.  Underground Bodyopus Body Opus 1

11.  Underground Bodyopus Body Opus 2

12.  Underground Bodyopus Body Opus 3

13.  Underground Bodyopus Body Opus 4

14.  Underground Bodyopus Body Opus 6


1.  10 Minute Workout

2.  101 Greatest Exercises For Size

3.  101 Tips to Lose 10 pounds

4.  12 Simple Steps to Get Huge

5.  13 Secret Exercises Of Physique Champions

6.  19 Tips To Build Muscle

7.  3 Things you must know for Mass and Size Gains

8.  30 Biggest Lies In Bodybuilding

9.  4-Week Bodyweight Program

10.  7 Secrets

11.  7 Things You Must Do to Add Muscle, Gain Weight, 
         and Increase Strength

12.  8 Things Your Must Do to Build Maximum Muscle

13.  All about Doggcrapp and DC Training

14.  Alpha Male

15.  Amazing Martial Arts Secrets Of Fitness

16.  Arnold Training Guide

17.  Beginers Guide To Bodybuilding

18.  Bigger Muscles 

19.  Bigger Muscles in 42 Days

20.  Biogenetic 2004

21.  Blast Your Bench

22.  Body Building 24 Week Plan

23.  Body by Science

24.  Bodybuilding Competition Guide

25.  Bodybuilding Made Simple Addendum

26.  Bodybuilding Made Simple

27.  Bodybuilding Truth

28.  Bodyweight and Dumbbell Exercises

29.  Bottomline Bodybuilding

30.  Building An Olympic Body Through Bodyweight Conditioning 
        - Gymnastics Strength Training 

31.  Building The Perfect Beast

32.  Bulking Up

33.  Chad Waterbury's Programs

34.  Championship Bodybuilding

35.  Charles Atlas Physique Building System

36.  Complete Guide to Beginning Bodybuilding

37.  Complete Idiots Guide to Weight Training

38.  Conditioning For Martial Arts

39.  DC modifications during precontest and cutting bodyfat

40.  DC Training

41.  Doggcrapp Blasting and Cruising

42.  Doggcrapp How To Cure Shoulder Problems

43.  DoggCrapp Training

44.  Doggcrapp Training

45.  Doggcrapp Workout Schedules

46.  Effective Training Methods

47.  Fast - Mass

48.  Fast Gain Diet

49.  Five Months Without Weights

50.  Frankie NY's Mass Program

51.  Get Big, Get Strong, Get on With It

52.  Gladiator Training Manual

53.  Guide to Intermediate Bodybuilding

54.  Guide To Warrior Fitness

55.  How to Build Big Muscles without Weights

56.  How To Develope A Perfect Body

57.  Iron Addict

58.  Isometric Power Exercises

59.  Kickboxing Exercise

60.  Kung Fu - Fitness Training

61.  Laymans Guides - Episode 3

62.  Mike Mahlers Kettlebell Manual

63.  Mind and Body Metamorphosis

64.  Muscle and Fitness 101 Workouts

65.  No Mistakes

66.  Personal Powerlifting

67.  Personal Trainer Program

68.  Secret Exercises

69.  Secrets To Peak Performance Fitness

70.  Spartan Health Regime

71.  Strength And Conditioning Interrogations

72.  Strength and How to Obtain It

73.  Strength Training Anatomy

74.  Ten Steps To A Better Body

75.  The Chris Report

76.  The Insider Encyclopedia on How to Build Muscle and Might

77.  The Massive Growth System

78.  The Periodization Bible

79.  The Power Circuit - Maximizing Strength and Power 
         While Minimizing Training Time

80.  The Secrets to Gaining Muscle Mass Fast

81.  The Ultimate Mass Workout

82.  The Ultimate New York Body Plan

83.  The Unnatural Athlete

84.  Total Body Muscle Plan

85.  Total Body Workout

86.  Turbulence Training Bodyweight Workout 4-Week Program

87.  Turbulence Training

88.  Underground Bodybuilding Secrets that will Shock your Body

89.  Underground Mass Secrets

90.  Underground Project Report

91.  Universal 12 Week Bodybuilding Course

92.  Unleashed

93.  Weight Training for Dummies

94.  Weightlifting Training Database Book

95.  Westside Training

96.  Why Conventional BodyBuilding Methods Suck

97.  Body Building Secrets Revealed

98.  Bodybuilding - Nutrition

99.  Bodybuilding Supplement Secrets Revealed

100. Informed Bodybuilding Nutrition

111.  The Secrets of Bodybuilding Nutrition

112.  Bodybuilding Applied - Big Fat Lies

113.  Bodybuilding vs. Strength Training

114.  Anabolic Steroids for Bodybuilders II

115.  Anabolic Steroids for Bodybuilders

116.  Chemical Muscle Enhancement

117.  Optimum Anabolics Workout Bonus

118.  Mass Building Shakes

119.  Muscle Building Nutrition

10.  GRIP

  • Getting a Strong Grip
  • Grip Experts


1.  Combat Abs

2.  Combat Conditioning

3.  Exercises

4.  Strand Pulling Chest Expander

5.  Success Comes from the Gut


1.  Army Fitness Manual

2.  Marine Physical Readiness Training for Combat

3.  The Official United States Air Force Elite Workout

4.  US Marine Corps Daily 16 Program

5.  US Navy - Peak Performance Through Nutrition and Exercise

6.  US Navy Seals Category I and II Workouts


1.  Beyond Bodybuilding

2.  Bullet Proof Abs

3.  Enter The Kettlebell

4.  From Russia with Tough Love

5.  Naked Warrior

6.  Power to the People

7.  Relax Into Stretch

8.  Russian Kettlebell Challenge

9.  Super Joints


1.  3 Things You Must Know For Gain A Mass Size

2.  CNS Workout

3.  Train Smart!

4.  Train Smart, Weight training


  • Month 1
  • Month 2
  • Month 3


1.  Medicine Ball Training

2.  The Boxers Guide To Performance Enhancement

3.  Ultimate Training For The Ultimate Warrior

4.  Underground Guide To Warrior Fitness

5.  Warrior Workout Bonus Series I

6.  Warrior Workout Bonus Series II

7.  Warrior Workout


1.  Guerrilla Cardio

2.  Running Fast and Injury Free

3.  Running

4.  Triathlon Training For Dummies


1.  A Maximal Isokinetic Pedalling Exercise for EMG

2.  Bipedal Walking and Running with Spring-like Biarticular Muscles

3.  Electrophysiology and Kinesiology for Health and Disease

4.  Kinematic, Kinetic and EMG Patterns During Downward Squatting

5.  Muscle Mass Gain Observed in Patients with Short Bowel Syndrome

6.  Muscular Activity During Uphill Cycling

7.  Participation in Road Cycling vs Running

8.  Prior heavy Exercise Increases Oxygen Cost During Moderate

9.  Treating Non-Specific Chronic Low Back Pain Through the Pilates Method


  • Bodybuilding Nutrition
  • Think Big Exercises
  • Thinking Big II 
  • Thinking Big


  • Beyond Brawn
  • Hard Gainer
  • How to Squat for Huge Arms
  • Weight-Training Technique
  • Why Conventional Bodybuilding Methods Suck


  • Gironda Gems
  • Legend and Myth
  • Training Secrets


1.  Add up to 1 Inch On Your Arms in 3 Workouts

2.  Bodybuilding Revealed

3.  Brink's Bodybuilding Revealed

4.  Calorie Density

5.  Creatine Monohydrate

6.  Creatine Report

7.  Diet Supplements Revealed

8.  Fat Loss Facts, Tips & Tricks

9.  Flexibility Exercises

10.  How To Lose The Most Fat

11.  Low Carb Intelligence Vs

12.  Muscle Building Nutrition

13.  Pre and Post

14.  Supplement Company Secrets

15.  Tasty Fat Loss and Muscle Building Recipes

16.  The Bodybuilding Tips Checklist

17.  The Creatine Report

18.  The Perfect Rep

19.  The Taste of Success

20.  unified theory of nutrition

21.  Warm Up

22.  Weight Training Routines

23.  What Happens Within the Muscles in Response 
          to Different rep Ranges



1.  10 Brazilian Ju Jitsu Moves Every Cop 
      Should Know - Brad Parker

2.  BJJ - Basics

3.  BJJ - Roy Harris - Escape From The..

4.  BJJ - Combat

5.  BJJ - Armbar

6.  BJJ - Alt Fig4

7.  BJJ - Guard Kimura

8.  BJJ - Guard Series

9.  BJJ - Pardoel Fig4

10.  BJJ - Pardoel Spider Guard Sweep

11.  BJJ - Pass The Guard

12.  BJJ - Sankaku

13.  BJJ - Td1

14.  BJJ - Td2

15.  Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Q & A One

16.  Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Basics- Great Beginners Book on BJJ
        - Must Have If You Want To Compete With Guys Like

17.  Brazilian Ju Jitsu Techniques

18.  Complete Book Of Ju Jitsu

19.  Elbow Lock Side Pos

20.  Escape Clinch

21.  Escape Triangle

22.  Escapes And Posture

23.  Half Mount Armbar

24.  Joint Locking

25.  Ji Jitsu - Unleashed1

26.  Kano Jiu Jitsu

27.  More On Escapes

28.  Mount, Hammerlock

29.  Mount, Hammerlock2

30.  Mt Hook Block1

31.  Mt Knee Block1

32.  Open Gracie Portugal

33.  Pass Guard

34.  Physical Attributes for BJJ

35.  The Requirements for Testing for Blue Belt

36.  The Secrets of Ju jitsu - Captain Alian 
       Corstorphin Smith

37.  Eddie Bravo - Jiu Jitsu Unleashed



1.  72 Shaolin Skills Dim Mak

2.  Amazing Abs of Shaolin

3.  Artes Marciais - Internal Gung Fu Vol.2 - Kung Fu - Erle 
     Montaigue - Tai Chi -Defesa Pessoal

4.  Artes Marciais - Reflex Violence -Internal Gung Fu - Erle 
      Montaigue - Kung Fu - Defesa 

5.  Ba Gua Hidden Knowledge

6.  BaguaV1

7.  BaguaV2

8.  BajiQuan-Formes-Competition

9.  Bei Shaolin Si (Shaolin Exercises List)

10.  Chi-Kung Wing Chun KungFu

11.  Choa, Kok Sui - Pranic Healing (qigong, ARKIV)

12.  Chuen, Lam Kam - Chi kung, way of power (qigong, ARKIV)

13.  Combat Techniques of Taiji, Xingyu and Bagua - Lu Shengli

14.  Dr.Yang Jwing Ming - Xing Yi Quan

15.  Erle Montaigue - How To Use T'ai Chi As A Fighting Art

16.  History And Philosophy Of Wing Chun

17.  Hung Gar Kung-Fu - Bucksam Kong & Eugene H. Ho

18.  Kung Fu - Fitness Training

19.  Kung Fu Movements

20.  Lam, Kam Chuen - The Way of Energy (qigong, ARKIV)

21.  Martial Arts - The History and Philosophy of Wing Chun Kung Fu

22.  Mei-hua-zhuang-full

23.  Secret Methods of Acquiring External and Internal Mastery 
        - Lian Gong Mi Jue

24.  Shantung Black Tiger Kungfu

25.  Shaolin Chi 

26.  Shaolin Disha Quan

27.  Shaolin Gunlong Zhang

28.  Shaolin Qixing Tanglang Quan

29.  Skill Of Acting On Acupoints - Dian Xue Shu

30.  Smith, Robert - Hsing-I, Chinese Mind-Body Boxing (ARKIV)

31.  Smith, Robert W - Pa Kua - (Ba Gua, ARKIV)

32.  Swami Sivananda - Kundalini Yoga

33.  Taijiquan - 32 Sword Form

34.  Taijiquan - 42 Movement Form

35.  Taijiquan - 48 Form - Taijigua

36.  Taijiquan - Combined Taijiquan Compet

37.  The Four Skills Of Tai Chi Chuan

38.  Thoughts-on-Learning-Baguazhang

39.  Training Methods of Shaolin - Jin Jing Zhong

40.  Training-methods-72-arts-shaolin by Tanjin 1934

41.  Wang Shu Chin's Taijiquan - Tai Chi C

42.  Wing Chun - 116 Wing Tsun Dummy 

43.  Wing Chun Dummy Techniques

44.  Wing Chun Gung Fu - Andrew Nerlich

45.  Wing Chun Kung Fu Breathing

46.  Wing Chun Kung Fu Breathing

47.  Wing Tsun Kuen - Kung Fu - Lehrbuch (German) 

48.  Xiao Hong Quan

49.  Xiaoyaoshuai (2000) By Shou-Yu Liang - Kung Fu - Wu Shu 
        - Yiquan - Xingyi - Bagua - Taichi 
- Taiji - Martial Arts

50.  Xing-Han Liu and John Bracy - Ba Gua, hidden knowledge 
         in the Taoist internal art (ARKIV)

51.  Yip Chun - 116 Wing Tsun Dummy Techniques



1.  Aikido

2.  Manual Aikido

3.  Aikido Vocabulary

4.  The Hidden Roots of Aikido

5.  Total Aikido The Master Course


Mixed Martial Arts (MMA)

1.  (Ross Enamait) Ultimate Training For The Ultimate Warrior

2.  Amateur Shooto Rules

3.  Bas Rutten BBOCVol1

4.  Bas Ruttens BBOCVol2

5.  Crossfit - Foundations

6.  Crossfit Vol. 1 - Sep 2002 - Garage Gym

7.  Crossfit Vol. 10 - Jun 2003 - Metabolic Conditioning

8.  Crossfit Vol. 11 - Jul 2003 - The Clean

9.  Crossfit Vol. 12 - Aug 2003 - Dead lift, Wall ball, Anatomy

10.  Crossfit Vol. 13 - Sep 2003 - Benchmark Workouts And 
        Homemade Parralettes

11.  Crossfit Vol. 14 - Oct 2003 - Team Workout

12.  Crossfit Vol. 15 - Nov 2003 - Food

13.  Crossfit Vol. 16 - Dec 2003 - Community

14.  Crossfit Vol. 17 - Jan 2004 - Handstands

15.  Crossfit Vol. 18 - Feb 2004 - Macro climbing

16.  Crossfit Vol. 19 - Mar 2004 - What Is Cross fit

17.  Crossfit Vol. 2 - Oct 2002 - What Is Fitness

18.  Crossfit Vol. 20 - Apr 2004 - 3cim Moves

19.  Crossfit Vol. 21 - May 2004 - Meal Plans

20.  Crossfit Vol. 22 - Jun 2004 - What about Cardio

21.  Crossfit Vol. 23 - Jul 2004 - Why Fitness

22.  Crossfit Vol. 24 - Aug 2004 - Assistance For Bodyweight 

23.  Crossfit Vol. 25 - Sep 2004 - Medicine Ball Cleans, Kettle 
        bell Swings

24.  Crossfit Vol. 26 - Oct 2004 - A Beginners Guide To Cf, Dumbbells, 
        Phys Ed Program

25.  Crossfit Vol. 27 - Nov 2004 - Cfn National Champ, Slack lining, 
        Pull Up Challenge

26.  Crossfit Vol. 28 - Dec 2004 - Certification, Cross fit Pt

27.  Crossfit Vol. 29 - Jan 2005 - What about Recovery

28.  Crossfit Vol. 3 - Nov 2002 - Muscle Up, Glycemic Index

29.  Crossfit Vol. 4 - Dec 2002 - Squat Clinic, Fast Food, 
        3 Cool Workouts

30.  Crossfit Vol. 5 - Jan 2003 - Shoulder Press, Push Press, 
        Push Jerk, Postural Err

31.  Crossfit Vol. 6 - Feb 2003 - Seniors And Kids, 
         Workout Template

32.  Crossfit Vol. 7 - Mar 2003 - Push Up, Worlds Fastest 
         Lift, Police Training

33.  Crossfit Vol. 8 - Apr 2003 - Pull-Up, Warm Up, 
         How Fit Are You

34.  Crossfit Vol. 9 - May 2003 - Beginners Routine & 
         3 Ab Exercises

35.  Mark Hatmaker Killer Submissions

36.  Mark Hatmaker Strikes

37.  Mark Hatmaker Submission Wrestling

38.  MMA John Lewis Armbar From Half Mount

39.  MMA John Lewis Armbar Triangle

40.  MMA John Lewis Mount Hamerlock

41.  MMA John Lewis Pass The Guard

42.  MMA John Lewis Triangle Escape

43.  MMA arm2

44.  MMA chk1

45.  MMA Ninja Clinch

46.  MMA Ninja Foot Stomp

47.  MMA Ninja Triangle

48.  MMA shtdef1

49.  MMA shtdef2

50.  MMA swp1

51.  The Fighters Notebook



1.  The Art of TAI CHI

2.  Tai Chi Manual

3.  Tai Chi And The 5 Integrity

4.  Tai Chi Chuan

5.  Tai Chi Chuan Method Of Breathing And Chi Direction



1.  Muay Thai - Yod Ruerngsa - The Art of Fighting

2.  Muay Thai - The Art of Fighting (A Textbook that kicks ass!)

3.  Muay Thai - Book OCR.6.0



1.  Black Medicine - The Dark Art of Death 
      - N Mashiro [Paladin Press]

2.  Earle Montaigue - Dim Mak - Death Point Striking

3.  Martial Arts Pressure Points

4.  Fatal Points

5.  Pressure Points

6.  Pressure Points - Arms

7.  Pressure Points - Back

8.  Pressure Points - Chest

9.  Pressure Points - Head

10.  Pressure Points - Legs

11.  Pressure Point Charts - Black Arts Society

12.  Pressure Points - Military Hand to Hand 
       Combat Guide

13.  Self Defense Nerve Centers and Pressure 



1.  An Expression of Pikal

2.  ECQ Knife Work

3.  Hubud Drill

4.  Joint Locking

5.  PSP - Gun Grappling

6.  PSP1

7.  PSP2

8.  PSP3

9.  PSP5 - Car Combat

10.  PSP9 - ECQ Knife Defense



1.  Combat Sambo (in Russian)

2.  Combat Sambo and Hand to Hand Combat for 
      Special Forces (in Russian)

3.  Sambo Book



1.  Fighting Fit1

2.  5 fat loss workouts

3.  Boxing - A Manual Devoted to the Art of Self 
     Defense - James Sullivan

4.  Boxing - training

5.  Boxing Fitness Instruction

6.  Boxing manual

7.  Boxing Workout Beginners

8.  Different levels of counters

9.  IMBX manual 00-01

10.  NIM Boxing Club 70105

11.  Ross Boxing - Ultimate Training for the 
        Ultimate Warrior

12.  Ross Enamait boxing newsletter archive

13.  Strength training for Boxing



1.  Mas Oyamas Essential Karate

2.  100 Deadliest Karate Moves

3.  Battlefield Karate

4.  Complete Book Of Karate Weapons

5.  Karate Kata and Application Vol 3

6.  karate back stance

7.  karate cat stance

8.  karate forward stance

9.  karate horse stance

10.  Kicks for Christ Shensei Hapkido

11.  27 Katas Shotokan Karate

12.  The Secrets of Jujitsu

13.  Old Martial Arts Book, Kosho Ryu, What Is Self-Defense
        Kenpo Kempo Jiu Jitsu

14.  Physics of Karate Strikes - John Chananie

15.  Physics of Karate strikes Article1.1



  • The Filipino Martial Arts - Dan Inosanto
  • Hubud drill



  • Judo kataguruma
  • Judo sutemi
  • Judo Self-Taught in Pictures



1.  1 Inch Punch

2.  Bruce Lee - Chinese Gung Fu

3.  Bruce Lee - Essay On Jeet Kune Do  Self-Mastery

4.  Bruce Lee - Essay On Jeet Kune

5.  Bruce Lee - Jeet Kune Do - Overview

6.  Bruce Lee - Original Jeet Kune Do Manuscript

7.  Bruce Lee - Tao of Jeet Kune Do

8.  Bruce Lee - The Philosophy Of

9.  Bruce Lee - The Power Of The Dragon

10.  Bruce Lee's Fighting Method (All 4 Books)

11.  Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do

12.  Bruce Lee's Speed Training

13.  bruce lee's strength training

14.  Bruce Lee's Training Secrets

15.  Jun Fan Jeet Kune Do



  • Equipment
  • Noma




1.  Martial Arts - Hagakure - The Way Of The Samurai

2.  Bushido (Part I-II-III)

3.  21 Techniques Of Silent Killing - Master 
      Hei Long - Paladin Press

4.  22 Ways To Kill A Man With Your Bare Hands

5.  90 Percent Go To Ground Stat

6.  [Banned Book] Paul Wellad-The Secrets Of Street 
      Self-Defence [Virtual Mind]

7.  Medieval Swordsmanship [Paladin Press]

8.  Renaissance Swordsmanship [Paladin Press]

9.  About Ki, Non-Resistance, And Control

10.  Amazing Secrets Of KI

11.  Abwehr Englischer Gangster Methoden - Defense 
       of English Gangsters Methods

12.  Aiki Jujitsu Charts

13.  Aldershot Close Combat Course

14.  Allan Corstorphin Smith - The Secrets of Jujitsu, 
       A Complete Course In Self-Defense

15.  Amazing Martial Arts Secrets Of Fitness

16.  Amazing Secrets Of The Martial Arts

17.  American Combatatives

18.  American Jiu Jitsu - Len Lanius

19.  Kill Or Get Killed (1943) - Lieutenant Colonel 
        Rex Applegate

20.  Arwrology - All Out Hand-To-Hand Fighting
         - Gordon Perrigard

21.  Backhand Slap

22.  Beyond Techniques

23.  Blood And Fists - Modern Martial Arts

24.  Bodyguard Training

25.  Book Of The 5 Rings

26.  Borenje

27.  Canadian CQC Manual

28.  Cane Jitsu

29.  Canon Of Judo - K. Mifune

30.  Championship Fighting - Explosive Punching 
        And Aggressive Defense (1950) - Jack Dempsey

31.  Cheap Shots, Ambushes, And Other Lessons 
        - Marc Animal Macyoung

32.  Chiba Breathing

33.  Chin Jab

34.  Chokes

35.  Clemson University Taekwon-Do Club Student 

36.  Close Combat Techniques

37.  Combat Grappler - Gladiator Training Manual

38.  Combat Simulation Suits

39.  Combat Stress

40.  Combatives (1992) - FM 21-150

41.  Combatives Overview

42.  Combato The Art Of Self-Defence - W J Underwood

43.  Combat Sans Armes

44.  Complete Book Of One Steps

45.  Complete Book Of Wrists Locks

46.  Conditioning For Martial Arts

47.  Counter-Weapon Drill

48.  CQB Cover Drill

49.  Crazy Monkey Fend Position

50.  Cupped Hand Blows

51.  Cycling

52.  Deal The First Deadly Blow

53.  Dealing With Multiple Attackers

54.  Der Totale Widerstand - Major H. Von Dach (German)

55.  Der Totale Widerstand - Toc Translation.

56.  Do Or Die (1944) - A J Biddle

57.  Double Slap

58.  Dragons Touch - Weaknesses Of Human

59.  Effective Fighting

60.  End Of Injury

61.  Escort Holds

62.  Face Smash

63.  Fairbairn Combative Stick Method - Paladin Press

64.  Fairbairn's Combative Concepts

65.  Fang Shen Do - Power Training And Speed

66.  Fight Dirty

67.  Fighter's Notebook - Kirik Jenness

68.  Fighting In The Streets - A Manual Of Guerilla 
        Warfare - Urbano

69.  Fighting Skills

70.  Fighting To Win

71.  Get Tough - W E Fairbairn

72.  Getting A Strong Grip

73.  Goju Ryu Terminology

74.  Ground Combatives Training 'Step-By-Set 
         Instruction Manual'

75.  Gun Vs Knife

76.  Gypsy Techniques

77.  Hagakure - Book Of The Samurai

78.  Hand Combat And Pressure Points

79.  Hand To Hand Combat-Krav Maga

80.  Hand To Hand Fighting Special Forces

81.  Handgemang 1956

82.  Handgemang 1968

83.  Handgemang 1986

84.  Higher Form Of Killing

85.  Hit Where It Hurts

86.  How To Develop A Perfect Body

87.  How To Start And Win Any Fight

88.  Intel - Hand-To-Hand Combat

89.  Japanese Karate Terminology

90.  Jim Wagner Compile 01

91.  John Goodbody - The Japanese Fighting Arts

92.  Katame Waza (Groundfighting) Charts

93.  Kempo Karate Chart

94.  Kicking And Stomping In Combat

95.  Kill Without Joy (The Complete How To Kill Book) 
        - John Minnery - Paladin Press

96.  Knife Throwing Techniques Of The Ninja - M.E.Peters

97.  Lessons In Wrestling & Physical Culture (Catch 
        Wrestling) - Farmer Burns

98.  MA-Skills - Jjswp1

99.  MA-Skills - Jjthrow1

100.  MA-Skills - Escape Clinch

101.  MA-Skills - Mount And Hamme

102.  MA-Skills - Spider Guard

103.  Macyoung, Marc - Cheap Shots, Ambushes, And 
          Other Lessons - A Down And Dirty Book 
           On Streetfighting And ...

104.  Marine Corps Individual Combat Course, July 1944

105.  Marine Corps Martial Arts - MCRP 3-02B

106.  Marine Corps-Close Combat-Selfdefense

107.  Marine Martial Arts All Docs

108.  Mark Hatmaker- Savage Strikes

109.  Self Defense Book - Mark.S.Camp

110.  The Underground Guide To Warrior Fitness
           - Ross Enamait

111.  Knife Fighting Manual

112.  Kon Muay Thai (Attack & Defence)

113.  Medieval Combat, A 15th C Illustrated Manual 
          of Sword Fighting And Close-Quarter Combat

114.  Physics Of Karate Strikes

115.  Mastering The Bo

116.  Mastering The Knife

117.  Mastering The Sai

118.  Mastering The Staff

119.  Mastering The Tonfa

120.  Mastering The Yawara (Kubaton)

121.  Medieval Combat, A 15th C Illustrated Manual 
          of Sword Fighting And Close-Quarter 
           Combat - Hans Talhoffer

122.  Minimal Grappling Program

123.  Multiservice Procedures For The Tactical Employment 
          of Nonlethal Weapons (NLW - 6 October 1998)
            - FM 90-40

124.  My Method Of Self Defense - Mikonosuke Shihan 
          (Two Pages Missing)

125.  Naerkamp (German)

126.  Nage (Throwing) Charts

127.  Non-Lethal Techniques (Exerpt From 
          Marine Close Combat)

128.  O'Neill Cover Position

129.  On Killing - Lt. Col. Grossman

130.  Oriental Philosophy

131.  Original Manuscript - Jeet Kune Do

132.  Paul Wellard - The Secrets Of Street

133.  Petter

134.  Philosophy - Tai Chi Chuan

135.  Philosophy Of Martial Arts

136.  Physical Culture And Self Defense 
         - Robert Fitzsimmons

137.  Practice Pads

138.  PSP - Gun Grappling

139.  South Narc`S PSP1

140.  South Narc`S PSP2

141.  South Narc`S PSP3

142.  PSP5 - Car Combat

143.  Punch Blocking Secrets

144.  Qigong - Falun Gong - 2001

145.  Qigong - Zhuan Falun - 1998

146.  Qigong - Zhuan Falun

147.  Qigong For Health And Vitality

148.  Rector, Mark (2000) Medieval Combat (Translation 
          And Study Of The Talhoffer Fechtbuch of 1467)

149.  Ross Enamait - The Underground Guide

150.  Ross Enamait - Warrior Workout

151.  Roy Harris - Effective Training Methods

152.  Savage Strikes - Mark Hatmaker

153.  Science Of Self Defence (1867) - Edmund Price

154.  Seidler 1

155.  Seidler 2

156.  Self Defense - Wesley Brown

157.  Self Defence For Survivalists

158.  Seven Days To Self Defense

159.  Shun Yin - Teachings In Chinese Buddhis

160.  Simkin (Russian Close Combat Guide)

161.  Soaring Crane Qigong Remedy

162.  SS Werwolf Combat Instruction Manual 
          (Reduced File Size)

163.  Staff Kata

164.  Stretching And Flexibility

165.  Super Ju Jitsu (PMJB Vol5 Rip)

166.  Tactical Employment Of Non-Lethal Weapons 
          - FM 3-22.40

167.  Taekwondo, Ancient Wisdom For The 
           Modern Warrior

168.  Text Book Of Close Combat

169.  The Body Building Truth

170.  The Complete Idiot's Guide To Self-Defense

171.  The Gracie Diet

172.  The Katana Through The Ages

173.  The Martial Arts Guide For The

174.  The Secrets Of Street Self Defence - Paul Wellard

175.  The Talons Of Eagle Claw Part1

176.  The Talons Of Eagle Claw Part2

177.  The Talons Of Eagle Claw Part3

178.  The Text Book OF Close Combat

179.  Thought Power

180.  Time Out For Bullies

181.  Tonfa Tactics

182.  Types Of Martial Arts

183.  Uc Fair Bairn

184.  Uc Fair Bairn3

185.  Ukemi (Falling) Charts

186.  Unarmed Combat - S J Bissell.Jpg

187.  US Army Survival Manual FM 21-76

188.  US Navy Seal Physical Fitness Guide

189.  Weapons Of The Street

190.  Why Qigong Has A Curative Effect

191.  William E Fairbairn - Shooting To 
           Live (Paladin Press)

192.  Worstel-Konst - 1674 (Dutch Combatives)

193.  Wrestling Grappling And Takedown



Diet & Health Books

1.  1,500-Calorie-A-Day Cookbook, 2009 Ed - Nancy S. Hughes.

2.  100 Favorite Weight Watchers Recipes.

3.  80-10-10 Diet - Dr Douglas Graham.

4.  Americas Most Wanted Low Carb Recipes.

5.  Controlling Cholesterol For Dummies.

6.  Cooking Indian Way - Low Fat N Vege Recipes.

7.  Diabetes Cookbook For Dummies 2nd.

8.  Diabetes Cooking For Everyone - Carol Gelles.

9.  Diabetic Recipes.

10.  Diabetic Books of recipes.

11.  Dr. Atkins' New Diet Revolution.

12.  Dr. Atkins’ 1000 Diet Recipes.

13.  Eat Right For Your Type.

14.  Eat Right Low Carb Cookbook.

15.  Food Allergies For Dummies.

16.  Food And Nutrients In Disease Management.

17.  Food And Nutrition - Don Ross.

18.  Food And Nutritional Toxicology.

19.  Food And Philosophy Eat, Think, And Be Merry.

20.  Food Dehydration - J G Brennan.

21.  Food For Fifty - Mary Molt.

22.  Food For Life - Living Well With Diabetes.

23.  Health Benefits of Organic Food.

24.  Healthy Low Carb Recipes.

25.  How Much Protein - Brad Pilon.

26.  Kids' Fun And Healthy Cookbook.

27.  Loss Weight Forever - 50 Habits of Naturally Thin People.

28.  Low Carb Recipe Sampler.

29.  Low Carb Recipe Secrets.

30.  Low Fat Recipes.

31.  Low-Carb Cookworx - Mary Dan & Michael R. Eades.

32.  Low-Carbohydrate Cooking.

33.  Make It Safe - A Guide To Food Safety.

34.  Mama's Home Remedies - Svetlana Konnikova.

35.  Meals For A Healthy Weight.

36.  Men's Health Recipes.

37.  Michael Pollan - Food Rules - An Eater's Manual.

38.  Microbiologically Safe Foods.

39.  Natural Food Network Magazine (Sep-Oct 2007).

40.  Non Gmo (Genetically Modified Organisms) - A Shopping Guide.

41.  Nutrition Almanac - 5th Edition.

42.  Nutrition For Dummies 4th Edition - Carol Ann Rinzler.

43.  Sugar Free Recipe Sampler.

44.  The Detox Cookbook - Jan Purser & Kathy Snowball.

45.  The End of Overeating - David A. Kessler.

46.  The Gargantuan Book of Diabetic Recipes.

47.  The Low-Carb Baking And Dessert Cookbook.

48.  The New Complete Book of Food - A Nutritional, Medical, 
         And Culinary Guide.

49.  The Truth About Diabetes.

50.  Understanding Nutrition - Ellie Whitney (11th Edition 2008).

51.  Weight Loss For Food Lovers - Understanding Our Minds.

52.  Your Brain On Food - How Chemicals Control Your Thoughts 
          And Feelings - Gary Wenk.




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The BIBLE* Book of Vedas* Ethics Politics - by Aristrotle* Conversations with God* Complete Book Of Yoga- Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Raja Yoga And Jnana Yoga by swami Vivekananda* My Experiments with Truth - by MohanDas Karamchand Gandhi* Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru* Githaanjali - By Ravindranath Tagore* Hari Prasad Chowrasia - The romance of Bamboo Reed* Wings of Fire - by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam* Autobiography of Unknown Indian* I Dare - by Kiran Bedi* Music of India* The God of Small Things - by Arundathi Roy* Malgudi Days - by R.K.Narayan* White Tiger - by Aravind Adiga* A Night at the call center - by Chetan Bhagath* 3 Mistakes of my Life - by Chetan Bhagath* Chowranghee - by Sankar* Jhumpa Lahiri* Water* Saraswati Park* KAMASUTRA - Science of Art of Making Love - From India* The Great Indian Novel - by Shashi Tharoor*  Magical Indian Myths* A story from a fan about Sachin Tendulkar - Indian Cricket Sports Celebrity* Stay Hungry - Stay Poor* One Indian Girl* A Passage to INDIA The RED BOOK - QUOTATIONS FROM MAO_THE GREAT CHINESE HERO* The Measure of a Man - A Spiritual Autobiography - By Sidney Poitier  I am Okay ~ You are Okay* Who Moved my Cheeze* Speed of thought - Bill Gates* * IWOZ* IBM - WHO SAYS ELEPHANTS CANT DANCE* What they don't teach you at Harvard School* Business Stripped Bare* The FOUNTAIN HEAD* Joan of Arc* Fall of Giants* The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho* The Perfect Mile* The Heart of a Champion by Bob Richard* I know Why Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou* The Empty Family* Mr Chatwell* Hand Me Down World* FOSTER* And the land lay still* And the world changed* LET THE RIGHT ONE IN* The American Brat by Bapsi Sidwa* Cracking india by Bapsi Sidwa* The Pakistani Bride by Bapsi Sidwa* Songs of Blood and Sword by Fathima Bhutto* Bookless in Baghdad by Shashi Tharoor* Ethics Politics - by Aristrotle* Conversations with God* Complete Book Of Yoga- Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Raja Yoga And Jnana Yoga by swami Vivekananda* My Experiments with Truth - by MohanDas Karamchand Gandhi* Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru* Githaanjali - By Ravindranath Tagore* Hari Prasad Chowrasia - The romance of Bamboo Reed* Wings of Fire - by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam* Autobiography of Unknown Indian* I Dare - by Kiran Bedi* Music of India* The God of Small Things - by Arundathi Roy* Malgudi Days - by R.K.Narayan* White Tiger - by Aravind Adiga* The BIBLE* Book of Vedas*
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21 Most Romantic Sentences From The World Of Literature

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ~Ernest Hemingway

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Source : Story Pick