YOGA Books Collection
1. Ashtanga Yoga - Pattabhi Jois.
2. Course Technology - Maran Illustrated Yoga.
3. Deepak Chopra - 7 Spiritual Laws of Yoga.
4. Guide To Advanced Yoga Techniques.
5. Hatha Yoga Pradipika[SanskritTranslation].
6. Kundalini - The Secret of yoga by Gopi Krishna.
7. Kundalini Yoga - Physical Wisdom- Yogi Bhajan.
8. Kundalini Yoga Free Online Training - Gururattan Kaur Khalsa.
9. Lessons in Yoga Exercises.
10. Light On Yoga by Iyengar B.K.S.
11. Mudras - Gerturd Hirschi.
12. Patanjali Yoga Sutras in Lingo-The Liberation of Spirit in Modern Metaphors.
13. Pranayama - Scott Shaw.
14. Sri Swami Sivananda - Easy Steps to Yoga.
15. Sri Swami Sivananda - Essence of Yoga.
16. Sri Swami Sivananda - Kundalini Yoga.
17. Sri Swami Sivananda - Practical Lessons in Yoga.
18. Sri Swami Sivananda - The Science of Pranayama.
19. Sri Swami Sivananda - Thought Power.
20. Sri Swami Sivananda - Yoga in Daily Life.
21. Swami Krishnananda - The Yoga System.
22. Swami Vivekananda - Raja Yoga.
23. The Essential Yoga Sutras by Michael Roach& Christy.
24. The Hindu Yogi Science of Breath-Yogi Rama Charaka.
25. Tibetan Dream Yoga Study guide by Lama Surya Das.
26. Yoga Journal.
27. Yoga of the Inner World by Michael Raduga.
28. Yoga Sutra of Patanjali[Sanskrit-English] by Chip Hartranft.