
Authors - J


J Gregory  Keyes
Jason  Henderson
John  Collier

J. Brian  Clarke
Jason M  Hardy
John  Crowley

J. E.  Badger
Jasper  Fforde
John  Cullen

J. F  Bone
Jay  Caselberg
John  Dalmas

J. F  Rivkin
Jay  Lake
John  DeChancie

J. Francis  McComas
Jayge  Carr
John  Grant

J. G.  Ballard
JC & Barb  Hendee
John  Jakes

J. J.  Astor
JD  Robb
John  Kessel

J. Robert  King
Jean  Lorrah
John  Lee

Jack  Cady
Jean  Rabe
John  Marco

Jack  Campbell
Jean and Jeff  Sutton
John  Meaney

Jack  Dann
Jean M.  Auel
John  Meyers

Jack  Finney
Jean Marie  Stine
John  Moore

Jack  Mann
Jeanie  London
John  Morressy

Jack  McDevitt
Jeff  Grubb
John  Norman

Jack  McKinney
Jeff  Head
John  Rankine

Jack  Vance
Jeff  Hecht
John  Ringo

Jack  Whyte
Jeff  Kirvin
John  Scalzi

Jack  Williamson
Jeff  Long
John  Shirley

Jack  Womack
Jeff  Noon
John  Sladek

Jack  Yeovil
Jeff  VanderMeer
John  Steakley

Jack C  Haldeman
Jeff  Verona
John  Varley

Jack L  Chalker
Jeffrey  Carver
John  Wyndham

Jacqueline  Carey
Jeffrey  Ford
John C  Wright

Jacqueline  Lichtenberg
Jeffrey  Lord
John D  MacDonald

Jak  Koke
Jeffrey  Thomas
John E  Stith

James  Axler
Jeffrey D  Kooistra
John F  Rosmann

James  BeauSeigneur
Jennifer  Fallon
John G  Hemry

James  Blish
Jennifer  Roberson
John Gregory  Betancourt

James  Clemens
Jenny  Nimmo
John Maddox  Roberts

James  Doohan
Jerome  Bigge
John Twelve  Hawks

James  Follett
Jerry  Ahern
John W  Campbell

James  Herbert
Jerry  Davis
John W  Randal

James  Lowder
Jerry  Oltion
Jolie  Howard

James  Maxey
Jerry  Pournelle
Jon  Scieszka

James  McCann
Jerry  Sohl
Jon Courtenay  Grimwood

James  Morrow
Jim  Aikin
Jonathan  Carroll

James  Patterson
Jim  Butcher
Jonathan  Dunn

James  Rollins
Jim  Farris
Jonathan  Lethem

James  Schmitz
Jim  Munroe
Jonathan  Stroud

James  White Steve
Jim  Stark
Jordan K  Weisman

James Alan  Gardner
Jim  Theis
Joseph  Delaney

James Branch  Cabell
Jim  Wynorski
Joseph  Green

James C  Glass
JK  Rowling
Josepha  Sherman

James E  Gunn
Jo  Clayton
Joyce Carol  Oates

James L  Cambias
Jo  Walton
JRR  Tolkien

James L  Halperin
Joan  Aiken
Juanita  Coulson

James M  Ward
Joan D  Vinge Vernor
Jude  Fisher

James P  Blaylock
Joanna  Russ
Judith  Merril

James P  Hogan
Joanna  Wylde
Judith  Tarr

James Patrick  Kelly
Joanne  Bertin
Juleen  Brantingham

James R.  Berry
Joao  Barreiros
Jules  Verne

James Van  Pelt
Jody Lynn  Nye
Julia  Gray

Jan  Siegel
Joe  Gores
Julian  May

Jane  Jensen
Joe  Haldeman
Julie  Kenner

Jane  Lindskold
Joel  Rosenberg
Julie E  Czerneda

Jane  Yolen
John  Argo
Juliet  Marillier

Jane S  Fancher
John  Barnes
Juliet E  McKenna

Janet  Kagan
John  Birmingham
Justin  Stanchfield

Janet  Morris
John  Blaine
Justina  Robson

Janny  Wurts
John  Boyd
Justine  Larbalestier

Janrae  Frank
John  Brunner
JV  Jones

Jaqueline  Hooper
John  Christopher


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The BIBLE* Book of Vedas* Ethics Politics - by Aristrotle* Conversations with God* Complete Book Of Yoga- Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Raja Yoga And Jnana Yoga by swami Vivekananda* My Experiments with Truth - by MohanDas Karamchand Gandhi* Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru* Githaanjali - By Ravindranath Tagore* Hari Prasad Chowrasia - The romance of Bamboo Reed* Wings of Fire - by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam* Autobiography of Unknown Indian* I Dare - by Kiran Bedi* Music of India* The God of Small Things - by Arundathi Roy* Malgudi Days - by R.K.Narayan* White Tiger - by Aravind Adiga* A Night at the call center - by Chetan Bhagath* 3 Mistakes of my Life - by Chetan Bhagath* Chowranghee - by Sankar* Jhumpa Lahiri* Water* Saraswati Park* KAMASUTRA - Science of Art of Making Love - From India* The Great Indian Novel - by Shashi Tharoor*  Magical Indian Myths* A story from a fan about Sachin Tendulkar - Indian Cricket Sports Celebrity* Stay Hungry - Stay Poor* One Indian Girl* A Passage to INDIA The RED BOOK - QUOTATIONS FROM MAO_THE GREAT CHINESE HERO* The Measure of a Man - A Spiritual Autobiography - By Sidney Poitier  I am Okay ~ You are Okay* Who Moved my Cheeze* Speed of thought - Bill Gates* * IWOZ* IBM - WHO SAYS ELEPHANTS CANT DANCE* What they don't teach you at Harvard School* Business Stripped Bare* The FOUNTAIN HEAD* Joan of Arc* Fall of Giants* The Alchemist by Paulo Coelho* The Perfect Mile* The Heart of a Champion by Bob Richard* I know Why Caged Bird Sings by Maya Angelou* The Empty Family* Mr Chatwell* Hand Me Down World* FOSTER* And the land lay still* And the world changed* LET THE RIGHT ONE IN* The American Brat by Bapsi Sidwa* Cracking india by Bapsi Sidwa* The Pakistani Bride by Bapsi Sidwa* Songs of Blood and Sword by Fathima Bhutto* Bookless in Baghdad by Shashi Tharoor* Ethics Politics - by Aristrotle* Conversations with God* Complete Book Of Yoga- Karma Yoga Bhakti Yoga Raja Yoga And Jnana Yoga by swami Vivekananda* My Experiments with Truth - by MohanDas Karamchand Gandhi* Discovery of India - By Jawaharlal Nehru* Githaanjali - By Ravindranath Tagore* Hari Prasad Chowrasia - The romance of Bamboo Reed* Wings of Fire - by A.P.J. Abdul Kalam* Autobiography of Unknown Indian* I Dare - by Kiran Bedi* Music of India* The God of Small Things - by Arundathi Roy* Malgudi Days - by R.K.Narayan* White Tiger - by Aravind Adiga* The BIBLE* Book of Vedas*
Mutyala Library


21 Most Romantic Sentences From The World Of Literature

There is nothing to writing. All you do is sit down at a typewriter and bleed.” ~Ernest Hemingway

For you and me, that’s the hardest part: to bleed.

But for these authors, weaving beautiful words into heart-touching romance comes naturally. Come, fall in love…with words.

Because other than your partner, only a writer can give you a rapidly pumping heart out of love.

Source : Story Pick