Banking & Finance
1. A First Course In Corporate Finance
2. Brealy Myers
- Brealy Myers Web Problem
- Corporate Finance Brealey-Meyers.7th.Edition
- Fundamentals Corporate Finance - Brealey, Myers & Marcus - 3Ed
- Principles Of Corporate Finance-slides
3. Brigham Solution
4. CFA Books
- Analysis Of Derivatives
- Analysis of equity investments Valuation-Stowe
- Ethics
- Exam Insight for CFA
- Investment Analysis And Portfolio Management
- Microeconomics-Private & Pubi
- Quantitative Methods for Inestment Analysis
- Computational Finance & Financial Econometrics
- Financial Mathematics
- Applied Quantitative Finance
- Basic Fin Math
- Brownian Motion for Children
- Brownian Motion
- Finance Matlab Toolbox
- Financial Mathematics
- Mathematical Economics and Finance Harrison & Waldron
- Mathematical Finance
- Neural Networks in Finance. Gaining Predictive Edge in the Market [McNelis P.D.].
- Pliska_Introduction to Mathematical Finance.djvu
- Stochastic Calculas.
- The Mathematics of Financial Derivatives.
- Wilmott, Paul - Quantative Finance-Ch(1-3).
5. Fundamentals of Investments - Corrado
6. Modelling Financial Derivatives with Mathematica.
7. A Complete Guide to Technical Trading Tactics
8. A Mathematician Plays the Stock Market.
9. A Modern Approach to Graham and Dodd
10. Advanced Financial Statements Analysis.
11. An Arbitrage Guide to Financial Markets.
12. Applied_quantitative_methods.
13. Asset and Risk Management - Risk Oriented
14. Asset Pricing-John H. Cochrane.
15. Bank Management & Portfolio
16. Bond Markets Analysis And Strategies-Fabozzi.
17. Building Financial Modelsl.
18. Business Analysis and Valuation, Text and
19. Capstone Global Finance (2002).
20. Charting in Excel.
21. Citibank - Basics of corporate finance.
22. Complete Idiot's Guide to Finance and
23. Copula Methods in Finance.
24. Corporate Finance A Focused
25. Corporate Governance-A Blueprint.
26. Credit Risk Modeling.
27. Damodaran Book on Investment Valuation, 2nd
28. Derivatives - Credit Risk - Modeling,
Valuation &
29. Dictionary of financial and business terms
30. Essentials of Financial Risk Management.
31. Essentials of Investments-Bodie Kane and
32. Everyone'S Guide To Financial Planning.
33. Excel add-in C++.
34. Excel VBA Macro Programming.
35. Excel Workbook For Dummies.
36. Excellence in Financial Management -
Financial Performance.
37. Finance A Fine Art (2003).
38. Finance for Non-Financial
39. Finance for Non-Financial Managers.
40. Finance The Handbook of Risk.
41. Finance – Probability and Statistics Textbook
42. Financial Analysis - Tools & Techniques a
Guide for Managers
43. Financial Analysis Using Excel.
44. Financial Analysis With Microsoft
Excel-Mayes, Shank.
45. Financial Engineering Principles.
46. Financial Management & Analysis-Fabozzi.
47. Financial Market
48. Financial Valuation Workbook.
49. Finite Difference Methods in Financial
50. Fixed Income Securities and Derivatives
Analysis and Valuation
51. Global money markets.
52. Handbook of Modern Finance - Bond Analysis.
53. Hedge Fund Course - Wiley Finance Series.
54. Hedge Fund of Funds Investing - An Investor's
55. How To Think Like Benjamin Graham and Invest
Warren Buffett
56. Inside the Minds Textbook Finance.
57. Interest Rate Modelling.
58. International Macroeconomics & Finance
59. Investment Science-Luenberger.
60. Investment Risk Management.
61. Investments - Bodie, Kane, Marcus -Vol I.
62. Mastering Elliot Wave-Neely.
63. Mathematics for Finance - An Introduction to
64. Mathematics of money management.
65. Mathematics Of The Securities Industry.
66. MBA in A Day - What You Would Learn At
Business Schools - Wiley 2004.
67. Mergers and Aquisitions.
68. Microsoft Office Excel 2003 Inside Out.
69. Modeling Financial Markets- Using Visual.Basic.NET.&.
Databases to Create Pricing Trading &.R.
70. Optimal Control Models in Finance A New
Computational Approach.
71. Options, Futures & Other
72. Portfolio Behavior.
73. Portfolio Selection.
74. Principles of Financial Economics Leroy and
75. Prudential Financial Research - Stock
Valuation Models.
76. Quantitative Business Valuation.
77. Quantitative Finance for Physicists - An
78. Quantitative Financial Economics.
79. Real Options Analysis Course - Business Cases
and Software
Applications (2003).
80. Risk Analysis And Monte Carlo Simulation.
81. Risk Aversion.
82. Risk_And_Financial_Management.
sarbanes oxley guide for finance and info tech pros
84. Schaum_s_Outline_to_Financial_Management.
85. Spreadsheet Modeling in Corporate
86. Statistical Analysis With Excel.
87. Statistical Tools for Finance and
Insurance-Cizek, Hardle & Weron.
88. Technical Analysis from A to Z-Achelis Steven
89. Technical Analysis of the Financial
90. The Fast Forward Mba In Finance,-Brian
Tracy-2Ed (Wiley, 2002).
91. The Financial Analyst's Handbook.
92. The Handbook of Financial
93. The Intelligent Investor-Graham.
94. The Mathematics of Financial
95. The agile manager's guide to understand
Financial Statements.
- 1. Valuation Measuring and Managing the Value of Companies - 3ed
- 2. Valuation Of Cash Flows Investment Decisions Capital Bud.
- 3. Value-at-Risk.
- 4. Vault Career Guide to Investment Banking.
- 5. Writing Excel Macros with VBA.
- a. Ebaycash.
- b. Adsensekingdom.
- c. Paidtoshop.
- d. Wcsbook.
- e. Googlebackdoor.
- f. 5ways.
- g. Point.
- h. Audioebook
- i. Winning.
- j. Google Cash 2003.
- k. The Rich Jerk Getting Rich Program.